Difference between revisions of "MetaDex"

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m (redirected all data to proper article which i'm editting)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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==What is this page?==
something that is meta is a thing used to descibe itself.  A meta-language is a language to talk about language.  Metawiki is the wiki on wiki for wikipedia and sister projects
This is our meta.
This is Neodex on Neodex.
For now the one page will do but if it gets too big I'm sure [[you|someone]] can do something about splitting it into smaller pages.
== On Community and Unspoken Rules ==
{{Unspoken Rules}}
== Templates ==
Templates are a way of adding central content that can be both complex and flexible.
=== Our Main Templates ===
''Templates that <br />are commonly used.''
* [[:Template:World]] - this is a complex template that takes a whole load of variables.
* <nowiki>{{Stub}}</nowiki> - marks an article in need of more content (see: [[stub]])
* <nowiki>{{FixMe}}</nowiki> - Marks a page in dire need of action
* <nowiki>{{NeoNote}}</nowiki> - Adds Neo Copyright Message
* <nowiki>{{Work In Progress|name|message}}</nowiki> - rushing off without compleating you work (shame on you) then mark your work with you name and a message.
=== Built in templates ===
* <nowiki>{{CURRENTDAYNAME}}</nowiki>
* <nowiki>{{CURRENTDAY}}</nowiki>
* <nowiki>{{CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN}}</nowiki>
* <nowiki>{{CURRENTYEAR}}</nowiki>
* <nowiki>{{CURRENTTIME}}</nowiki>
* <nowiki>{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}</nowiki>
=== Other Comands ===
* <nowiki>#REDIRECT [[NAME OF PAGE 2]]</nowii> For redirecting a page to one with a synonomous name, e.g. Faerie Quest redirects to Faerie Quests, Snow Faerie to Taelia...
=== Mark Up ===
These are just some basics.
* <nowiki>'''Bold text'''</nowiki>
* <nowiki>''Italic text''</nowiki>
* <nowiki>[[Link title]]</nowiki>
** <nowiki>[[Link title|Link Text]]</nowiki>
* Headings - by carefull use of heading levels a page content list is built for you.
** <nowiki>= Headline text =</nowiki> - 1st level
** <nowiki>== Headline text ==</nowiki> - 2nd level
** <nowiki>=== Headline text ===</nowiki> - etc
** <nowiki>==== Headline text ====</nowiki>
** <nowiki>===== Headline text =====</nowiki>
* <nowiki><nowiki>ignore wiki format</nowiki></nowiki>
* <nowiki>[[Category:Some Fancy Category]]</nowiki> - Add a Category
* <nowiki>----</nowiki> - Dividing line
* <nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki> - signiture
* <nowiki>* Bullet point</nowiki>
** <nowiki>** Second level</nowiki>
*** <nowiki>*** 3rd Level</nowiki>
* <nowiki>#</nowiki> add this to have numbered lists instead.
[[Category: Meta]]

Latest revision as of 20:29, 4 February 2007

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