Krell Vitor

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Krell Vitor 2006.gif

Krell Vitor is a Halloween Kyrii and has been the Left Defender and Team Captain for the Haunted Woods' Yooyuball team since 2006. He learned most of what he knows from his old teammate and mentor Chelo Binay. Krell is considered one of the most dominant defenders in Yooyuball and loves bullying forwards into a corner and forcing them to turn the ball over. Though he does not score often, his tenacity and leadership are invaluable to his team.


  • During the final game of the 2006 season, Krell scored the winning goal against the Darigan Citadel.
  • Krell won the MVP award and an All-Stars - Defenders award in 2006.
  • Krell is one of the three Yooyuball player that has won the Altador Cup twice.

External links[edit]

  • Caption Competition: #712