My Scene Trivia Solutions (New Version)

Thanks to Brenda for the solutions!

At the beginning of April, Chelsea was crushing on (but became just friends with): River
At the end of April, Hudson helped Barbie: Decorate her place for spring
At the end of March, what kind of ‘outrageous’ store did Nolee take Chelsea to? Candle store

Chelsea and the girls went to see River: Play with his band

During the trip with her dad, where did Madison meet that crush-worthy cutie? On the plane ride home

In April, Madison’s dad suggested she volunteer at the: Animal Shelter
In her purse, Madison keeps tickets for: Shows
In her sketchbook, Chelsea drew a vanilla suede: Football stitch bag

In mid-April, Barbie thought Bryant was definitely crushing on: Nolee
In mid-April, Chelsea and friends threw a last-minute party. What kind? Mexican fiesta
In mid-March, barbie was sooo excited about which must-have fashion for spring? Miniskirt
In mid-March, Madison bought adorable salt & pepper shakers shaped like: Shoes
In the Shop Gallary, Madison’s urban-chic look includes which type of top? Leopard print halter
In the Shop Gallery, Barbie and her friends LOVE tooling around town in: A cool convertible
In the Shop Gallery, Chelsea is wearing a racy-red: Miniskirt
In the Shop Gallery, which of these is not a fave hangout for Barbie and friends? Movie Theater
In the Shop Gallery, which of these is not part of Chelsea’s ‘fab flirt wear’? Strapless denim skirt
In the show ‘Does She Buy It’ what cutie does Madison talk to at the club? The DJ
In the show ‘Does She Buy It” Madison, Barbie and Chelsea end up dancing with: Nolee
In the show ‘Game On’ Barbie and Madison join Hudson and Bryant at a: Park
In the show ‘Game On’ Barbie and Madison spot the guys: Girl-watching
In the show ‘Lost or Found’ Barbie meets a totally cute: Artist
In the show ‘Lost or Found’ the hottie who finds Barbie’s phone: Already has a girlfriend
In the show ‘Next Stop’ Chelsea offers to help the lead singer at the club with: A new look

Madison joined her dad for a fabulous trip to: The Bahamas

Nolee inspired Chelsea to make bags and belts based on: Astrology signs

The first week of March, Barbie was bummed because: Robbie left New York
The girls kid Madison about her going into a ‘trance’ when she: Listens to cool live music

What a disaster! Chelsea accidentally left her important notebook: In a cab
What awesome new gadget did Barbie get in mid-April? A cell phone that takes photos
What color is the cuff Chelsea sketched in her notebook? Green
What did Chelsea send to the woman who returned her treasured notebook? A handmade purse
What fun new game is on Barbie’s cell phone? Shoe Sale
What kind of cute pooch did Barbie get at the animal shelter? Yorkie
What kind of precious pup did Madison get at the animal shelter? Terrier
What kind of stylish top is Barbie sporting in the Shop Gallery? Lace Cami
What sassy swimwear does Madison have in the Shop Gallery? Gold lame style bikini

What’s the name of Chelsea’s messy but adorable pup? Mambo

Where did Madison get the fave earrings in her purse? At a sample sale

Which color is not available as a background for Barbie’s cell phone? Pink
Which of River’s fave foods did Chelsea pack for their picnic in Central Park? Tofu dogs
Which of these did Madison and her dad not do for his birthday? Go to the movies
Which of these hip fashions is not featured in Chelsea’s sketchbook? Black suede sandals with silver straps
Which of these items is not in Madison’s purse? Necklace

Who was videotaping Madison and friends for a documentary? Bryant


4 responses to “My Scene Trivia Solutions (New Version)”

  1. Sanjay Avatar

    Primrose, you are so beautiful I love your pose and feuatres, your sweatness and beauty. Such adorable photos. I can’t wait to meet you in person in March. Have fun with your wonderful Mom and Dad. Love to you! Nanan

  2. Avatar

    Ich dachte, das Vormittagsschläfchen ist eine Erfindung von urbia. 😉 Ich drück Dir mal die Daumen, dass Du noch einmal schlafen kannst!

  3. Avatar

    i think that karma i true sorta cuz if you’re a dick all the time people will be a dick back to you if you’re nice to people then people will be nice to you

  4. Avatar

    Hi KML,You could try and contact the KCC as others here seem to have successfully done but unfortunately there is not much else you can do to help your sister in law.Good Luck,CJ

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