Mummy Maze Guide by qazwaseddy2


white= one hit
red= two hits
green= (don’t worry about until higher level)
blue= two hits; they attack in both directions- same time
– hit and duck hit and duck, after throwing a sword, duck until it comes back to you, that helps you not get hit at the same time
– you can be hit, and you can hit others on the top, so aim correctly and you won’t have to be on the same level floor to hit a guy

when you see red on the wall
– it’s about the fire, make sure you are 5 squares from that wall; once the flame comes out- advance

(no need to worry about the skull- it shouldn’t take too long to get through round 1)
yellow coin= the more you collect- the higher your score (you also get more swords)
red coin= gives you an extra life

this can be quite easy to get a lot of points if you follow this direction:
– when you start, move right to the end of your starting platform, jump to the next one on the right (this may be very hard- but try try again); on the first square of that, jump up and left. grab those two coins (careful of the flame), then go back down, and then right- to the next room

– get the 6 YELLOW COINS and hop down to where the mummy is pacing and attack him. now jump off the ledge there to the right,

– shoot at the mummy, and jump up to grab the coin (just stand under it and jump) get the two coins on the platform you landed on, then jump onto the far left one (with the coin) and attack the mummy from there, (*duck as soon as you land- he’ll try to hit you*) move left and get the other two coins, then come back. there’s a flame by your exit… wait for it to pass, then jump!

– follow the path given, and grab the closes coin to you in the next room, hop back down off there, and move left (watch out for traps!!!) might as well go through the path with the two traps on it (the second one going up) then come back and go on the next one up, hit that pacing mummy and get the coins

– move left and get that coin in the next room, there should be another mummy pacing on the platform above you, jump up to the next two coins, and get him from there (try your aim) go to that platform of two squares, and jump left to the platform in the upper left as soon as you land and get the coins, duck! there’s a flame above you, go jump on the next highest platform with the mummy and coin, and get rid of them (easier: hop to the lowest platform on the right, and go on the platform with the trap- next to the mummy)

– go to the room on your right, and clear that… the mummies and coins; only 1 trap in there… go back left and get those coins, and jump to the highest platform in that room with the mummy and get them, next go to the room above you, there should be one mummy and a trap (there’s also a flame, but you shouldn’t really have to worry about that), get rid of those and advance right,

– this is the starting room, jump up and down (not landing on a platform) and get rid of the mummies from where you’re standing, wouldn’t hurt to get rid of that trap either, then hop up to the lowest platform in your reach, then left to that next one, get those three coins, and come back… hop to the next highest platform (of two squares) and then to the one squared platform, from there jump up and left to get those coins

– this is basically the home stretch from here, fall right and jump on that platform connected to the wall with the flame, when it passes completely, make a jump for it straight down (make sure you’re all the way to the left when you fall to get the coins) get the coins when you land **But DO NOT go all the way to the left that you’re off that level, you want to stay there** JUMP up and right to the platform with the pacing mummy, after him, go right… be careful with the next mummy- hopefully it’s a white one! then jump onto that three squared-high wall and jump down when the flame stops, YOU’RE ON YOUR WAY HOME, go straight left from there, onto the floor level, and follow that path, get the mummy, and get the coins to the left of the door (do not press up when at the door) then come back to the down and jump.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now try your luck with level 2! that one’s a dusy! – qazwaseddy2


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