This is sort of like a guide to Neoquest (I did a survey awhile ago)
Neoquest is an adventure in which can easily be compared to the game boy version of Pokemon or the Zelda games. In this game you never know what is going to happen next, for example in the Dank Cave to my disappointment when I thought I had found Xantan I was no more closer then before. When I finally did beat him I though the game was over and I had won. But I guess it wasn’t that easy.
From the survey I had sent out many people were upset about the times it was open. One person could never play the game because of the times and another hasn’t played in a month. I can only play the game in the morning on weekends and if I got up early enough about 5-15 min. before my bus comes. Though as some said the Neopet Staff has to look after they’re servers but for the race it is unfair since some get to play for hours while others just a couple minutes in the morning. Unless they want to stay up till twelve at night.
Well is Neoquest boring you may ask? Some say it is, some won’t try since it sounds boring. Though others say it is the best game they have ever played and wish it could come out as a video game. For Neoquest you just need to be patient since at some parts it does get kind of boring but all in all it is quite fun.
I asked people to give advice for people who are just starting Neoquest or needs a little help on it. When your starting Neoquest don’t spread your skill points out just choose between two or maybe three skills and later you can get other. When your starting out do not rush ahead or the creatures will be way to strong for you but do not stay behind to long or it will lose the fun of battle. When you are choosing your abilities I found the most popular ones are Fire and Health followed by Ice.
Note: I want to thank everyone who participated in my survey, djsccc1513, cleoghpatera, moon_earth, mistyre, valintinogrl, angel510152025, iluvdisney102, supercatpower2, seisansara, luxorbea, and cinders011. **Tip** As you can see from the names most of the people are girls all the boys I sent it to by neomail didn’t answer but a couple wanted to take the survey when I posted it in the Neoquest Chat – Susan L. McLeod
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