Well here is my little guide, always play the featured game doesn’t matter if you know to play or not just play because it’s double neopoints. Play luck games, there is a chance that you will get something. Get all the freebies they will help you.
Buy low Sell high
Here is a good way to make neopoints: go buy food items, petpets, books etc from the shops but first consult the market see how much people sell them for, see which sells the least and sell with 50-100 neopoints less. You will get it sold and if not just inspect and cut of the price.
The Neopian Bank is a great way to make neopoints. The more neopoints you deposit the more you get. If you deposit 260,000 neopoints you will get 25,000 per year. It sounds kind of long but it is something.
Well the paintbrushes we all want can be obtained ! There are different ways, you can play the Wheel of Monotony and hope you are lucky, buy them from The Hidden Tower; that place is near the castle in a cloud make some clicks there you must find it or just search on Google- The Hidden Tower. You can get the Christmas Paintbrush in December and get lots of prizes that include a paintbrush. Check the Happy Valley calendar each day. You can also buy from shops or auctions but they cost a lot.
Hope it helps it’s my first one. – Anonymous
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