Some helpful tips
Zoom! You may be fast on Meerca Chase, but have you thought about if you score is really that high? Well here are some tips to help you get that snazzy avatar and maybe a cool trophy!
1. ALWAYS play Meerca Chase one when wanting an avatar, you only need 750 points if you want the avatar, Meerca Chase II you need 1,250 points.
2. Set the speed for hard. The word “hard” might scare you, but it is easy, and it take way less time. This would multiply your score more and you are faster.
3. Play safe. Don’t take chances, go in an extra circle if you think you might hit something. This helps a ton.
4. Don’t send you score unless you got some decent neggs and a high score, you want to save a send score so can send your score when getting the avatar.
5. The most important rule is to have fun. If you think Meerca Chase is boring, you most likely wont get the avatar. You just have to relax, accept crashes and have fun. – Spud Head
Long Tail?
When running around with a long tail, and you are about to turn but realize your tail is in the way, wiggle around. It gets your tail out of the way faster, and you can get around easier if you wiggle – C.Lukens
Adapting to Speeds
hi a tip for Meerca chase : click in the top right hand corner and that is the second special level. If you play that for a while then play normal hard you will find it very easy – George McKibbin
Use a slow computer
Go to someone that have an old and slow computer and play in his computer, it will make the game a lot more easy. – guy
Use a slow computer
The “shift” level on meerca chase, I believe some of you, aren’t sure of what you have to do. To give all of you a better understanding, read this:
Whenever you pick up a happiness negg (or any other negg), your normal keyboard controls will be tweaked, the left and right keys that function the right way will be used to oppose each other. So left key will be right and right will be the left temporarily. Then right after the second negg, your controls will return to its normal state, while after you have picked up your third negg, it will be tweaked once again and so on.
I sure hope this helps Meerca players 🙂 – Wesley Kong
Good Tips
There is my tip for Meerca Chase: It’s quite simple, as I followed other tips. Though I could not make the secret 2nd level work (believe me, I clicked the right spot!), Meerca Chase is the perfect game for you if your computer is slow. Yes, finally a game for you guys!! Good thing to have a slow computer if you want one of your pets to change into a Meerca. Because yes, the Meerca Plushie you might be winning can turn your pet into a Meerca, if that plushie is magical! In fact, any plushie of any pet that is magical will turn your pet into “the pet” if you play with it. Now back to the Meerca game. Before starting the game, select the high quality version. Why? Because if you select the low quality version, it will go faster, right? Then all you want is to make it slower, so you have the most time possible to control your Meerca. Once in the game, follow the Neggs. The more your tail grows, the more can you make zigzags. What I mean by zigzags is that if you go up-left, press repetitively the up-left arrow keys, so the tail can shrink and you have less chances to be caught in it. Now if you’re far in the game and there are lots of red Neggs, don’t go directly to the Negg, go around the obstacles. This way, your tail will get lost and free your head. You can also turn around your tail if it’s long (and if you have the room for it) so it gets easier for you to get the Neggs. But be careful! If the next Negg appears to be where your tail is, just twirl another on the other side until the tail is done rolling up, and get the Negg! – ~*~ (O: ~*~N~*~ :O) ~*~
Level Choice
Never and I mean never play the easy level start out on hard so you don’t have to readjust to the speed and another helpful hint is to never use the thing with the shift key. It dosen’t get you bonus points it just makes it so you lose faster and don’t get as many points! – mandy r
How to play the tricky level
Did you know that there is a secret level for the Meerca Chase game? Well, here’s how to do it.
1. Press the Meerca Chase game logo (like usual when you play the game…)
2. Press the “shift” key.
3. Press play.
4. Now, this is the hard part. When you try to go right the first time, you will go left, so press the “left” key. The up key and the down key stays the same. Then, if you caught the negg, such crazy thing like that will not happen. BUT… Once you caught that negg, the crazy thing will start again: You will always go right when you press the “left” key, and you will always go left if you press the “right” key. Then, if you caught the negg, it will get better, and you can play like that before. Every odd time (Like the 1st time, 3rd time, 5th time, 7th time, etc.) you catch the negg, the arrow keys will not listen to you (except the up and down keys), but every even time (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th etc.) you catch the negg, it will get better. It is quite tricky, but you will get used to it. You will easily get 100 neopoints as it is 12 times the amount you get!!
So you see, it works well!! – natsumib
Level Choice
I was recently playing Meerca Chase and came upon a bit of common sense information. Always play the hardest level on Meerca Chase. It increases your chances of winning lots of neopoints and even a plushie, if that’s what you’re after. Play the easy level a few times to get the hang of it. Switch to hard as soon as possible. Why? Two reasons. Number one, the yellow neggs at the easiest level are worth 1NP while at the hardest level they are worth 8NP. This goes for all the neggs. Number two, one of the ways you die is by hitting your tail. If you play on the hardest level it takes less neggs to equal more neopoints so your tail will be shorter and you’ll probably live longer. This tip can be used for most games on Neopets so try it out! – dragon_grrrl
Basic Tips
1) Play it on the fastest speed you can bear it. You get more points.
2) Take your time.
3) Take the long way round to collect the neggs – its safer.
4) Try to stay away from the walls.
5) Play it on the lowest quality – its less jumpy. (The same goes for all flash games.) – qazwaseddy2
Less red neggs
I have found that when you steer clear from the shadow of the negg, less red neggs will show up. What I mean is when you approach the negg from it’s top right corner, so that you won’t touch any part of the shadow. My sister tried this and she got up to 100 points on easy mode with no red neggs on the screen. – McKenzieAxel
Avoid the red neggs
The red neggs appear to pop up depending on how long it takes you to eat the yellow or other neggs. The timing is usually 1 and a half seconds or any multiple between eating the yellow or other colored neggs. – Queen Koneko
Resolution and speed
The higher the resolution you play at, the slower the Meerca will travel. On broadband with a really fast computer this might not seem like a big difference, but on a slower computer, especially if you have dial-up, there is a huge difference.
I’ve noticed sometimes if I have four or five pages open, or something loading in the background, the Meerca will also go slower so I can play at the fastest speed, get more points for my neggs, and sometimes get fairly high scores. The trick is to get the Meerca to go as slow as you can.
Another trick is to practice this game at the fastest speed. It will get you thinking a little faster, and moving a little better. You may not get many points, but that’s all right. You’re only practicing. When you’ve gotten a
little better switch over to the medium speed. It will seem so much slower, and you will get a lot more points then you did before. – Christy Gottberg
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