Maths Nightmare Guide by Funkgirlzrulz

This is a great game if you are good at math’s, if your not, its still a great game. 🙂 A lot of you may have thought about using a calculator for this game lol I did. And unless you know where all the keys are on the calculator without looking and hit them really fast without making any mistakes, then don’t use one. I found out that no matter how useless your brain is, use it as it beats a calculator. 🙂 Of course if its something like:

555555594545421*54641215454 (not that there would be…)

use a calculator instead of trying to work it out in your head.

I suggest you start off with the multiplication one (X4 points) as most of you should already know most of the basics ;). And for the evil babaas or just the really hard ones, you can use a calculator. 🙂 But for multiplication (don’t know if its bean fixed yet) the maximum numbers you can type is 5 so when you get to the really big numbers, you can’t answer it. 🙁 so if you are really, really good at multiplication but also very, very good at division go for division as the numbers won’t be that big and you can get the answer.

Unless you know ALL your timetables, ALL your division, ALL your subtraction and ALL your addition, I don’t think it is very wise to try the random one, especially when your using a calculator as you’ll have to look down at the bottom on every question.

Basically – learn your timetables and division! 🙂

Hope this helps you – Funkgirlzrulz


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