Just Another Neopoints Guide by Soaring_Flight

I’ve seen many NP Guides in my time at Neopets, and they can help, and I hope this’ll help too.

1: Poogle Racing. Watch a few games, see who wins most of the time, then bet some NP on the poogle that won. This may be in the games of chance section of the arcade, but it CAN be a moneymaker.

2: Deckswabber. 300 NeoPoints or more AND a Dubloon coin you can sell for over 1000 NP. Tip: Save your Dubloons for at least a day, then trade them for a Five Dubloon Coin or higher, if you perfer.

3: Super Bullseye. So ignored, yet it can get at the very most over 700 NP each game… That’ll take practice, however.

4: Treasure Map. Yea, it normally gives only Space Maps, but, they sell for 2000 NP.

5: Tombola. I have won this once, and got a Air Faerie.

6: Cheat!. Verrrry good NP-getting game.

7: If you get a valuable item: SAVE IT!! I remember having had Grundo Stix and a Hypno Helmet I got from Space Weaponry when I was newer to Neopets, which I fed to my Pets and used in BD, when I could be swimming in gold in a room in my NeoHome right now. ^.^;

8: Do not get the extensions in your NeoHome to the highest as soon as possible. They charge you extra because of the work with putting in carpeting and stuff.

I hope this helps people around Neopia! – Soaring_Flight


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