Jelly Processing Plant Guide by MATT007point5

A game of concentration and understanding and yet no skill involved it is so simple my mom even scored fairly highly on it. You play the part of a black buzz who works in the jelly factory your mission should you choose to accept it is tough daring and could kill you no wait its easy simple and could bore you all you have to do is place the correct colour jelly in the labeled chutes (red jelly goes to the chute with the red picture of a jelly on it and the blue jelly goes to the chute with the picture of the blue jelly on it and guess what the peach jelly goes to the chute with the picture of the peach jelly). Ahah but what about the ice-creams I hear you say well they shouldn’t be there somehow someone upstairs has slipped them onto the wrong conveyor belt and they are now muddled up with the jelly’s so all you have to do is leave them, let them be eaten by the big skeith, but if you were a clever person you would have worked out by now that there is a better way to earn big points with the ice-creams there are different colour ice-creams that come out and in the top left hand corner of the page is a picture four non-coloured ice-creams and when the skeith eats the ice-creams one of the non-coloured ice-creams will become coloured the same colour of the ice-cream the skeith ate, so in order to win more points you have to crack certain codes with the ice-creams and keep you eye on the ice-creams because if you let them fall into the skeith’s mouth in no particular order the chances of you winning any bonus points is pretty slim to win bonus points just follow this advice:

When the ice-creams flow it is possible to delay them by putting them back on the conveyor belt (and to do this just pick the ice-cream up and go to the red chute then press left on you arrow keys this will place you above a door then just drop the ice–cream) doing this will allow you to let the ice-creams have an orderly fashion because if you eat 4 ice-creams of the same colour in a row you will get 40 bonus points and if you eat 2 of 1 colour then 2 of another colour you will get 25 bonus points and if you eat 3 of 1 colour and 1 of another then you will get 15 bonus points follow these tips and you can’t go wrong. – MATT007point5


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