This game is fairly simple, and can earn you 3,000np daily! I honestly don’t see why you don’t see it suggested more often. There object of this game is to dodge the ice cream that fly towards you. Here are some tips before you start the game.
1. Clean your mouse.
2. Close messaging programs (they can get in the way and make you loose a life simply).
3. If your computer lags, turn off the music and sound on the game to reduce lag. This game is played on the server, and thus, even if you lag, the game wont!
Anyways, back to the guide. There are special Ice Cream that will come by:
Bad Ice Cream
Green Plus Sign – Speeds up the ice cream
Blue Large Chia – Makes you larger
Grey Shield – Temporarily makes you invincible
Good Ice Cream
Pink Heart – Life!
Blue Fish Negg – 250 points
Cherry on Yellow – 50 points
Red Minus Sign – Slows the ice cream
Purple Small Chia – Makes you smaller
There is a total of 12 levels to this game:
Vanilla Chocolate Chip
Strawberry Vanilla Chocolate
Vanilla Chocolate Swirl
Double Chocolate
I know a lot of you are going to look at the Grey Shield and wonder why I put it as a bad thing. The reason is that to many people depend on this, and fail to realize that the shield can release at ANY TIME! Anyways…
The first time you play this game, do not get ANYTHING! Not even your lives! The point of this is to see how far you can make it without any help from the items. Make sure you remember the level that you first began to have trouble with. Once you know which level it is, just right click to end the game. No need to send the score yet.
Start the new game by typing “strawberryvanillachocolate” to get an extra life. The game will start automatically if you typed this correctly. This time, make sure you get all the lives, and point bonuses you can. Avoid the minus sign and purple small Chia UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY! This is because you will pass a lot of them up until that point, which will really add up on your score in the long run. Also make sure to not depend on the shield. You don’t have to go out of your way to not get it, but if you do get it, still play as if you did not. Here are the most common mistakes Neopians make when they play Ice Cream Machine.
1. Depend on shields. Like I have stated, Shields will stop at any given time, so do not depend on them.
2. Risk a life in order to get a bonus, including life. I know it may seem tempting, but if you have even the slightest of doubts whether or not you can safely get the bonus, don’t go for it.
3. Get the plus sign, thinking they can handle the increased speed. True that some players can get these and pass the level without any problem, but that is still 5 less points you get.
You should be able to get at least 8000+ score in this game, which is 800np a game!
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