Ice Cream Factory Tips

Instant transportation

When dodging the ice creams, you can right click and a menu should pop up. When you do this, Adee will stay where you clicked, now click where you want Adee to be, and she’ll appear there, instantly! – Boltz Family
Hide and seek

I was playing Ice Cream Factory on Neopets and I realized that if you catch that “ball” which makes you larger you can “hide” from the ice creams by going behind the cream so you are at the cone….well in other words….. try this diagram:


The O’s are the things that shoot at you and the V’s are the cones. Once you catch the thing that makes you bigger you can go to where the V’s are and avoid getting hit. this will work in any level as long as you catch that thing that makes you big. – gorgeouskitty05

Ice cream ally way

I have found an easy way to make it past the later levels. When you dodge an ice cream, run into the grid that that ice cream came out of. That cone will not shoot again until the ice cream that you dodged has gone off the screen. Then you just have to keep running into the empty spaces and the game is made easy for you. – Louise Cocks
Make yourself big

A way to avoid getting hit by the ice creams is to find the thing which makes you bigger. Then move out to the side of the screen. Have your screen maximized. You should go off the side of the game. You will not be able to be hit! – Cameron Bathman
Multiple extra lives

You can get a life ball and then just stay on that column and you will get more lives. – G6957
Gold ice creams

This is not really a hint just something that people (or at least I) wondered about. There is one level made up of ALL gold ice creams that look exactly like the ones which you can get to the next level by eating, I have tried this and they do not send you to the next level you only lose a life! Just thought I’d spare ya’ll doing the experiment yourself! – Anonymous
More points

To get more points, move around the board. Every time you move to one end of the board to the other, you gain about 4-6 points! – Dadiezlilangel18
Jumping over scoops of ice cream

As you know, the chia follows your cursor as long as it is on the game window… but if you take your cursor out of the game window, your player remains in the same spot until your cursor is in the window again. Now if you wait on the far right or left side of the screen for the ice cream cone to fire, then put the cursor back in the window below the scoop, the chia will move from where it was to where your cursor is automatically, without traveling through the scoop. – wooting crane
Big no-no’s

  • One thing you don’t want to do is take your Chia all over the screen. Keep it to a few checkered lanes and you’ll do better.
  • Do NOT get the plus speed scoops or BIG scoops. That ruilns your chances of getting a lot of points.
  • Don’t trap yourself in the warehouse. Look before you push.
  • Don’t use the escape button unless you absolutely have to. That causes you to loose one of your precious lives. – Ali

Playing the later levels

If you have become a pro at getting to the later levels, you begin to realize that the only thing that’s really holding you back is the maze. They become absolutely impossible. At this point the goal of the game is to collect lives just to escape the mazes. To do this you must keep two things in mind:

  1. No matter how eager you are to get to the next level or how good you are at dodging scoops, DO NOT grab the high speed scoop. Imagine the next couple of scoops that are already near the top will get you leveled. Suddenly a life scoop pops. A fast game won’t let you get to it in time before you’re leveled. Don’t waste the chance to collect more lives. Slow down your game and get to the life scoop as fast as you can.
  2. DO NOT collect the golden scoop. Sure, it sends you to the next level, but you must remember that the key to getting a high score is the life scoop. Play through the level. It may give you a couple of precious lives just for braving it. 🙂

Lastly, a tip on odd maze behavior. If you manage to arrive under a box, which happens a lot in later levels, you’ll notice that the game moves you to the right until it finds a space wide enough for you to fit in. It will leave you boxed in if you’re not careful. To escape this try to maneuver constantly under the boxes until you reach the far right or far left. Far enough so that the Chia disappears completely. Then you can move up, unseen, to the top of the maze and make your way across to the exit. The trick here is to avoid open spaces while walking under boxes. Look before you walk.

Good luck! – M H
Mind over matter

Stay in front of one ice cream cone the entire game, and then just move out of the way when it’s about to fire. If you stay in one spot, then you don’t have to concentrate too hard on the ice creams flying everywhere. Of course, you still have to move to get the power ups! – Lotta <3


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