This game I have also played ever since I was a newbie and I am getting better at it! 😉 This game is a very simple game in which you have to dodge all the ice cream in order to go to the next level. Each ice cream that you dodge is worth 2 points. There are power-up ice creams that you can get by simply letting that scoop of ice cream hit you. Remember, dodge all the other ice creams, but get the powerups that I advise you to get!! Now for the explanations of each power-up ice cream, what they do, and my advision of getting each scoop. If you see an ice cream scoop that has a (+) on it, that is the power-up to make the ice cream come at you faster. Now I would advise you not to get this, but if you are better at playing games fast grab one of these. 🙂 If you see an ice cream scoop that has a (-) on it, that is the power-up to make the ice cream come at you slower. This one I WOULD advise, because you will have A LOT more reaction time than you would regularly to avoid the ice cream. This is also good because you will be able to get other power-ups easier than you would be able to regularly. Even though it takes you longer to finish the level, it’s a little better insurance that you will survive and be in the game longer. 🙂 If you see an ice cream scoop that has a little chia on it with a pink background, that is the power-up to make you smaller. I would advise getting this power-up, because this will be useful if you are in a tight squeeze between ice cream scoops and need a fast escape. If you see an ice cream scoop that has a big chia on it with a purple background, that is the power-up to make you bigger. I don’t even have to tell you this. The bigger you are, the harder it is to escape from the ice cream. I wouldn’t advise this power-up. If you see an ice cream scoop that has a heart on it, that is the power-up for obtaining an extra life. Yes, of course I would advise getting this! 🙂 The more lives you have, the longer you can stay in the game. This ice cream is rare to get so watch out for these! If you see an ice cream scoop that is yellow in color, that is the power-up to get 500 points. Oh yeah, get this one. It’ll REALLY help you with your score. There is one level that has ice cream scoops that are all yellow in color. So don’t think they’re all power-ups. 😛 Beware, this ice cream scoop is very rare (hey that rhymes), so really look out for it! You will be able to find ALL of the power-ups I mentioned above more easily if you get the ice cream scoop that has a (-) on it. Above all, just stay in the center of the floor and dodge what needs to be dodged, and you’ll be fine. 🙂 Now for the second part….MWHAHAHAHA 😛 You will need 200 points to pass on to the second part of the game which is a maze, and a puzzle in one. Using the directional keys, maneuver the chia to the exit. Through the first several times you go there, it should be no problem getting there. But on the other levels, you will need to move the blocks out of the way to get there. Remember, you can only move the blocks up and to the right!! Each purple box is worth 10 points. But as of 7/15/02 the purple boxes do not give points at this time. 🙁 Sometimes there are situations in which you just can’t get to the exit. In these cases you have no choice but to click on the escape button at the bottom right hand screen. You will use 1 life when you do this so make sure NOT to mess up! Hope this helps you!
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