How to Make a Good Contest by SHoRtxAzNBrEAkEr

Please note: ALL contests are now banned from Neopets. Please do not read this article (even though it is quite good).

Basic Steps
1.) Get a good rare item (neggs, faeries, p/bs, etc.)
2.) Get a lot of misc. items
3.) Price them fairly to the nearest hundred.
4.) Price the rare item(s) at 99999np (just incase someone does buy it.)
5.) Now, in your shop description tell the people something like, “1st place gets the rare item!!” or something. Make it fair by making it a drawing contest. (ex. 100np= 1 ticket.) If you want to, make a date as to when the contest ends. Don’t tell them that you are trying to obtain a certain item, as they will think it’s a scam. Also never make a contest that says something like, ” I will tell you a secret if…” and so on.

6.) After you think you’ve made enough np, give the item and make another. In no time you will be a rich neopian!!!

Do’s And Don’ts
1.) Never have a mystery item contest. They may think it’s a scam, and won’t bother to buy anything.
2.) Price fairly. Don’t sell a pile of sludge for 5,000np! Most people will do the mystery item thing and price like that. Don’t do it.
3.) Don’t mention secrets! There are scams going around with a very long shop description telling you that if you buy an item or send them a rare item, they will give you a secret. IT IS A BUNCH OF BULL!!!]
4.) Don’t ask for items. Not much else to note on the subject.

Helpful Hints
1.) If you aren’t getting people to enter the contest, even in advertising, why not help on a quest? Just find someone who needs something, and get it for them. Price fairly now, and when they o in your shop, they might neter you contest as well! (although buying their quest item will enter them automatically anyway.) Remember, only ask for help. Offering help will only result in too many neomails.
2.) If at all possible, try not to put too much junk in your shop. ( as in midis, gifs, etc.) People want to buy fast, and don’t want to wait for the shop to load.
3.) Some items will quickly sell. Chocolates, ga-ga grub, potions, petpets, dubloons, and magic items are a few to list.
4.) Multiple prizes for 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th will raise the hopes of neopian’s chance of winning, and will make them buy more.
5.) If you want to, add in the mystery item thing to your contest. Just for a little side price. But price fairly.

Total Evaluation
cost for contest: 5,000-20,000np
earnings from contest: 8,000- 40,000np
cost for prize(s): 4,000- 30,000np
overall: +10,000np- 70,000np

Any questions or comments? Feel free to e-mail me at Thanks and good luck! – SHoRtxAzNBrEAkEr


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