It is quite annoying that you are not allowed to use the shop wizard when you are on a quest. You have to try your luck with the shop galleries to find the items you are looking for and if you are lucky you will find it, but at what price? Sometimes the items in the gallery are heavily over priced than the shop wizard. The trading post also requires luck. Some quests have to be completed within a short period of time like within 15 minutes or so.
Chances are that you will not get your item within the time limit from the trading post. There are several forums apparently where people help you out by searching the user names of people who have the item and give it to you but I have never bothered with doing that as it is too time consuming for me. I am sure you will agree with me that we all are here for an easy way out in what ever we do.
Hence, I figured out the shop wizard is the best way to do quests and figured out how to cheat the Faeries and use the shop wizard while on their quests (I hope they don’t get mad at me for it). So heres how to do it.Lets say you want to do a Dark Faerie Quest (Jhudoras Cloud) or Illusens Glade.
Before going and clicking on the link that will give you a new quest, open the shop wizard in another tab or window and keep it opened. Only then click on the quest button. Now you will see what items you need to get and you can easily use the shop wizard as it was already opened in another window before you started the quest.
Somehow if the shop wizard window is already opened it either fools the Faeries or they just don’t have any problem with you using the shop wizard as it was opened earlier so you could be searching for some other items and they don’t track what you are looking for.
Keep in mind, once you close the shop wizard window by mistake and you have not finished buying the items you want or you have not finished your quest, you will not be able to open the shop wizard window again and will be in the same position as before (you will have to use the gallery or trading post or forums). You do not want to do that, so by mistake also do not close the shop wizard window until you are totally done with the quest.
Some times you may buy an item thinking it is the one you need for the quest but it may be something else. To avoid such a case, always Copy and Paste the item into the shop wizard and click “identical to my phrase” to get the best results. – deepesh911
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