Hot Wheels Tips

Basic Tips

1. When you go into a fire patch, GO TO A WATER PUDDLE IMMEDIATELY! If the fire stays on too long your car will go BOOM.
2. Cars that I recommend:
Screaming Hauler
Hammered Coupe
3. Avoid Patches of Black Oil! They make you spin and waste precious time! – Samuel Joseph Teo

Cutting corners

On the tracks (the first one mostly) turn a second before the corner it will cut off time it will slow you down a lot if you do it wrong but most likely you won’t mess up. it will get you more points. – Ken & Bev

Water is good

An easy way to win is to catch fire just before a puddle then go into the puddle. Doing this will make less water and when your opponents catch fire there will be no water to put them out and they will explode leaving you the winner. – David Heikkonen


3 responses to “Hot Wheels Tips”

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