Hit Clips Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Are you a dancer, or do you love to dance? Well this game is for you! Hit Clips, the game where you dance off to the beat of the music and to the movements of the krawk. Have you got what it takes to strut your stuff?

Well, well, well, this game is very similar to the play station game dance beat, or perra perra, the hand movement game, where you have to groove to the music and groove your way to victory. Although it looked like a very good game at the start, its actually quite simple, and confusing because the dancing is not even to the time of the music.

Very simple, just do what the krawk does. When he jumps up, you jump up. When he swerves right, you swerve right. Just keep in mind that he will go through a demonstration first before you can actually start, and you can only start once the arrows start lighting up yellow.

Remember that all movement up, take a while to finish, so you have a pause. Likewise, the movement down will give you a few seconds break as well. The moves you will have to look out for the the left, right swerves, and the krawk likes to do these very fast and quickly move onto the next step. For a better understanding, what the speed at which he does his dance when he is demonstrating.

The game has only two levels, so it won’t take forever to play. The neopoint returns however aren’t that great, but if you like dance, definitely check this game out! – Shoyru_Lover


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