On a site known as Neopets, there is a board called, the Help Chat, or HC, called by frequent users.
The OLD HC was a place where, as the name says, you come for help, & you help users in need. That means, how to Restock, or help me with my pet page. We had fun, often making friends, & just having a good time.
Over the past 2 years or so, the HC slowly started to Die, after neopets started to get publicity, then, the KIDS arrived. TNT released there first real-life Neopets merchandise, just in time for summer, when kids have more free time.
The kids used the HC as a “chat room”, even though, the board was for help. They simply ignored the rules, thinking the rules didn’t apply to them, & they started to scam, spam & beg for items/neopoints/neopets, which on Neopets, is extremely rude & is illegal. AND WHAT DOES TNT DO ABOUT IT? NOTHING! They might freeze a few out of 50, but it isn’t THAT big of a deal.
So, a board full of little idiots, so what? About a few months ago, TNT started to do the unthinkable. THEY STARTED TO FREEZE (disable) INNOCENT USERS. It went unnoticed, until, a beloved user was frozen.
When FeatherAlley got frozen, people on the HC, & other neoboards, started to go nuts. They made petitions, Unfreeze FeatherAlley siggies, fonts & banners. TNT, then, unfroze her, after a few reports to TNT, FeatheAlley, got her account back. Then, the n00b infested became, normal.
THEN, a few months later, MANY users fell victim to TNT. The first was Lovepughugs, a harsh-to-rule-breakers HCer (HTRB HCer), then toomuch4you, another HTRB HCer, then, smurfinsmurfette, another great user.
As before with Alley, boards were made about them. Sad boards, by her fellow HCers, Happy boards, by the many haters & n00bs, & “Who is She” boards, by the users unaware of them. Luckily, Pugs & toomuch4you got there accounts back, but smurfin, is still iced. A few days later, DOZENS of HCers got frozen, Mercury_Phoenix (Still Iced), secert_santa_77 (SI), PDF (Unfrozen), kikomania (SI) & many other HCers, whom are famous or not, were frozen during the spring.
On April 26th, 2005, my beloved Dragoness_Warrior_6 account, was frozen. I was frozen for: “This account was continuing to break the rules even after a warning was given.” BLEH! I got ONE warning!
It was for “harassment”! Sense WHEN does telling someone to stop spamming, harassment?
I sent a form asking for TNT to unfreeze me, & the simply said that I was posting inappropriate messages in the message boards, neomail & trading post.
The LAST board I went to, was a board, with a rather sick topic, the n00b started to get his/her friends & then they mass reported me.
Then, when I got home from school, it was iced.
Have I done nothing wrong.
Will I get my account back?
TNT says not.
I spent 6 months, working for my items, neopoints, painted pets, becoming a well known HCer, but mostly, my friends.
I can’t even REMEMBER most of my friends, big & small.
It stopped for about a month.
THEN it happened AGAIN.
Geezie & Giggzabit where the next to go.
I never heard of Geezie, until they got frozen, but they were in SO many siggies & I heard of the great Geezie stories. So I will mention Geezie
Giggzabit, was a great HCer. She was, honest. HCers loved her honesty, n00bs hated it. one day, some idiot reported her, & because she MUST get reported EVERY time she’s on a board, TNT just froze her, & she’s STILL waiting for her replay.
Many blame “Avvie Descrimination”, but I think it’s silly. Getting frozen, for using the MSPP “Evil” Avvie, is just, preposterous.
Lastly, which happened a few days ago, was diamondsrain, a kinda, sweet, HCer, whom, has no tolerance for rule-breakers.
She was on a board, a VULGAR board, when some n00b, got 15 of his friends, & then started to “mass report” her.
Now, because TNT is a bunch for turnip for brains apes, the thought that because there were “so” many reports, that they MUST be breaking the rules.
And now, a great, kind HCer, is frozen.
My point (FINALLY) is, why freeze innocent users, who MAYBE have broken a MINOR rule, while leave spammers & scammers off free, with a few warnings & suspensions, & then FINALLY freezing them, in a few weeks?
Also, why delete threads, that are LEGIT, & let stupid, spam boards, active until it reaches the 500 post maximum? I don’t know, but I want to know the facts.
ALL HCers FEAR going on the boards, at the risk of getting frozen. Unless you WORSHIP the rules, & OBEY the beggars, spammers, &ignore the scammers, your account is in danger of being iced.
Now, most people have to edit there screenies of Neopian events. It seems, if we use the term “stupid” or “idiot” you’ll get frozen, which, ruins the fun part of screenie viewing.
Now, many of my friends, such as Blitzdegal, host them on foreign websites.
If you are sick of the horrid service, Non-Active Monitors, unfair freezing, sign this petition! And hope for a better HC!
– Note – All you scammers – I mean USERS out there, that post these “get rich quick” schemes, don’t post it. I “might” link this to Neopets & I don’t want to be frozen for scamming. – satan_child_1992
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