Have you ever wanted to get a good score on Hasee bounce? Have you always gotten a measly score of 105? Well then this is the guide for you! I have played Hasee bounce for years, and I would like to share my experience with you.
The Basics:
You control two Hasee’s. (A purple one named Jimmi, and an orange one named Woogy.)
Use the arrow keys to move them, and the space bar to make them jump. (Or, if you prefer, you can just click the mouse button.) Catch all the doughnutfruits that you can, but avoid the gross things that will fly by. They will make the Hasee’s sick, and they will not be able to catch anything for a few seconds!
You can also use the mouse to move the Hasee’s, but I find it WAY easier to use the arrow keys, be cause if you mouse gets bumped by anything, then your Hasee will move and possibly miss some doughtnutfruit!
I prefer to use the space bar, as it is easier. Try playing the game twice, (WITHOUT sending the score) once using the space bar, and once using the mouse. The one that you get the best score using will work better. Also, you should try playing the game once with the music/sound on/off. Some people find it distracting, some people find it more calming, and relaxing. Again, whatever works best. As most of you know, typing doughnutfruit will reset your time to full, but you can only do it once, so use it wisely!
Always keep your Hasee’s at the end of the branch. I don’t know why, but it works better. Remember: You CAN move the arrow keys while falling/jumping! This is really helpful, because when you practice and get good at it, you can actually move AROUND a flying bad thing, and still catch a doughnutfruit above/beneath it! Cool, huh?
When you are just a few seconds before running out of time, you will probably have a score in the 100’s. When you are almost out of time, type doughnutfruit as FAST as you can, then jump. Continue to play the game. Your score at the end of the game depends of the special doughnutfruits that you have gotten. I once got a fish doughnutfruit, and I ended the game with 369! (My highest score!) If you see a flying letter, jump for it! But REMEMBER: Jimmi can ONLY catch the purple letters, and Woogy can ONLY catch the orange letters. If you spell out ‘hasee’ with the letters, you will get a 30 second time bonus! And if you spell it out all in one color, you will get a 40 time bonus!!
When jumping up and down while catching doughnutfruits, there is another way to get bonus points! If you are jumping down from the branch and say, catch a yellow doughnutfruit and then ANY other doughnutfruit underneath it in the SAME jump, you will get DOUBLE points for the second one! (This isn’t JUST with the yellow ones, if you catch two in the same jump, you will get double points for the second one.) Also, if say, Jimmi jumps down and catches ONE, and Woogy jumps UP and catches one, then you will get double points for the one that Woogy caught. The same goes for letters. If you catch a letter after something Else in the SAME jump, you will get double time from it. No matter what, try to often keep your eye on the timer. So many times I have forgotten to do this, and then I forget to type doughnutfruit in. And if you have a slow-ish computer, then I suggest closing/quitting as many windows/applications as possible. And you can turn the sound off, but its up to you if you want to use the music or not.
Well, I hope this guide has either given you wisdom on the game, helped you get a better score, or helped you even get a trophy!
Well? What are you still doing here?? Go play Hasee Bounce! – Valerie
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