Hasee Bounce Cheats

Ollie the Phantom Shirt Guy

Although he is rarely seen, Ollie the Phantom Shirt Guy appears. He is worth 42 points, so grab him once he suddenly enters the screen. Note: The Hasees will not say when Ollie will appear however. – Job Buds Marata

1,000,000 neopoints for a little bit

Typing in pleasegivemeonemillionneopointsthankyouhasees will give you 1,000,000 neopoints but only for a little while. – KeAiMatty

Reset the timer

you type in “doughnutfruit” while playing Hasee Bounce, the timer will be reset. This code only works once per game. – mrfudge37

Can’t type the ‘Reset the timer’ secret fast enough?

When the games starts, type the words DOUGHNUTFRUI ONLY forget about the “t” at the end and then when you are in desperate need of time just press the t key on your keyboard and you’re rarin’ to go! No more fuss over being slow when typing! – karmenlim

Extra time bonuses

If you collect all five letters (H,A,S,E,E) in the game, you will get a bonus 20 seconds. However, if you are able to collect all five letters in the game that are of the same colour, then you’ll gain a bonus 40 seconds! – Gemima666


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