Basically there are 10 missions in total & 3 bonus games. Missions require you to dress Hannah in the right outfit for the job she is about to do. The bonus games are just like Korbat’s Lab where you need to break all the blocks in order to receive your bonus points.
Missions & Outfits
Kiko Lake Boat Tours
Reports are flooding in that claim many of the glass bottom boats for the Kiko Lake Boat Tours have sprouted unexplained leaks. Help find the cause or who is behind the evil deed and get Boat Tours back in business without getting soaked.
Outfit: In order not to get soaked from the leaks in the boats, get out your yellow rubber ducky suit & goggles that will help keep the water out of your eyes!
Niten Hiroru
Citizens from the land of flying ships have reported attacks by masked assailants dressed in black. It is believed that Niten Hiroru is behind it all. Infiltrate the enemy ranks high atop the mountains and stop the attacks from within.
Outfit: Time to dress in all black (or close to all black) & equip your ninja stars to take out those bad guys!
Island Mystic
The Island Mystic has lost his marbles! He must win his next game against the Tiki Tack Man, so scour the jungle for the Mystic’s lucky bag of marbles. You’ll want to blend in; dress accordingly. Good luck!
Outfit: Dress as a typical tourist that’s on a safari trip & make sure you bring the Mystic’s bag of marbles!
Faerie Queen’s Castle
The Faerie Queen’s Castle has been besieged by a group of Darkest Faerie supporters. Head to Faerie City and subdue these ruffians with… a lullaby. Yeah, that’s it. Make sure to bring the proper gear or you’ll end up catching z’s yourself.
Outfit: You’ll want to dress in purple PJs & come equipped with a flute to lull the enemies. Make sure not to forget your ear muffs or you’ll be sleeping as well!
Mining Corp.
Grundo inhabitants have reported strange goings-on at the Mining Corp. The mines are dangerous, and you’ll have the S750 Defender Robot to contend with, so come prepared. Find any documentations you can on the mine’s true purpose and turn it in to the authorities.
Outfit: The mines are dark so make sure to bring some sort of light, dress in work clothes & bring your gun to take down that robot!
Grooming Parlour
The Grooming Parlour’s mirrors are missing. The shopkeeper claims a rather sinister (and vain) Acara was seen near the shop. Dress in your best and trick the Acara into returning the stolen reflective surfaces.
Outfit: Toss on a wig & the prettiest clothes you own. Bring along a mirror to trick the Acara into thinking you’re vain just like her!
Dr. Sloth
Dr. Sloth reports REALLY wanting a can of Diet Neocola, but he’s having a bit of trouble with the Neocola Machine. *snicker* It seems to be pelting him with cans of cherry Neocola instead. Evil villain or not, find Dr. Dloth and make sure he’s using proper change in the machine without insulting him. It’s the only way to save Neopia from certain doom.
Outfit: As Dr. Sloth is in space, you’ll need to dress up in your astro-gear & come equipped with “proper” change.
Osiri’s Collection
A valuable urn has gone missing from Osiri’s collection. It is believed the urn was stolen and later sold to Princess Amira. Find the Urn and return it to its proper owner, and remember imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Outfit: Take a walk in Queen Cleopatra’s shoes… and clothes. Then find the urn that was stolen from Osiri!
King Skarl’s Turkey Leg
A valuable turkey leg has gone missing from King Skarl’s collection. It is likely that said leg was accidentally thrown out with the garbage. Fish around for the prized morsel and return it to Skarl’s collection. Gross, we know, but don’t judge.
Outfit: Ew, fishing for a turkey leg in the dumpster? Make sure you wear rubbery clothing, a gas mask & bring a fishing pole to find that missing leg!
Ice Caves’ Treasure
There is rumoured to be a spectacular diamond somewhere in the Ice Caves that holds great power. Valin is said to be looking for it. Gather your tools and secure the diamond before Valin can get to it.
Outfit: Where you’re headed is extremely cold! Cold enough to keep igloos from melting, so make sure to dress your warmest and bring a pick to hack away at snow & ice!
Bonus Games
The bonus games are much like Korbat’s Lab.
Tips to Getting a Decent Score
- Take your time; there is no timer after all.
- Make sure to get the diamond before completing the game or you’ll miss out on 500 extra points!
- Playing Korbats Lab should help as well.
- Practice!
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