Level 1: A water level!!! It’s not too hard though, because the water doesn’t start flowing right away. Run to the right and collect the treasure, avoid the enemy of course. If the water fills up a bit where the next few treasures are, swimming up and avoiding running into the Pawkeet might be tricky! Jump up and go right, there are some boxes of treasure there. Go up the platforms, and go left. Collect the treasure, if it says 17/18 treasures don’t worry! Go right, and right beside the exit door is the last treasure. Get it, and there you go 🙂 If you decide to go into the secret area and collect the gem, the only way out is coming out of the one wall. But if you do that, you missed quite a few treasures. Go back and get them! Be careful, by then the water level might be up quite a ways! Very easy level.
Level 2: Jump up and collect the three treasures. Then go down the ladder, get the forth one, and go in the water. Swim over to the far right, collect two treasures, them jump up to the platforms above. See on the top one there is an arrow box? Hit it from the side, then get out of the way (either jumping to the platforms at your left or sticking to the one your on near the wall is good) Collect the treasure in sight, then jump up and release the other arrow box you see. Go into the water below, and dive down. There’s your last four treasures. And if you want, break all the crates and go down further for an extra life! (recommended you break the crates, then go back up for air, THEN go down for the extra life!) After that, swim to the left. The boulders that fell allow you to climb up. Pretty self-explanatory from then on, just head for the door!
Level 3: Another water level! Quickly go to your right and crawl into that gap, and get those four treasures. Don’t wait until later, because it’s harder to. Go up, and you’ll see the exit door and a few treasure chests. Ignore them for now, and proceed to the right. Crawl through all that annoying area, then get the two treasures waiting for you. Now, you must wait for the water level to rise so you can hit the arrow box. When you hit it, quickly move to the right or left because a few boulders are going to fall. Let the water level take you up, then climb the ladder. Go left, get some treasures, then go left some more. Hit the arrow box, and when it makes another one fall, hit it. Collect all the treasures along the way to the left. See how the last arrow made a bunch of boulders fall? Now swim down and get the last treasure that also fell with the boulders. Head for the exit. Be care of the Pawkeet enemy! Another easy level completed.
Level 4: The levels just barely begin to get hard 😉 Just go left, and of course avoid that monkey petpet. Don’t bother trying to get the treasures right above the door, you have to get them later. And that arrow you come across while your going left, you can’t reach it right now. Just continue going left and collect the treasures, then set off the arrow. It will set off another one, and that will set off dynamite. Stay out of the way, because three boulders will fall to break the platform you see so you can go in the water. With the boulders, and arrow will fall. Set it off, then swim to the right to collect treasures. Swim up to where another platform is and return to the land. That last arrow you set off released a boulder. Now you can stand on it, and jump up and reach that arrow you seen and couldn’t reach earlier. Release the arrow, then watch all the metal boxes fall. When that’s done, go over and climb up them to get the remaining treasures. Then go to the exit! Another level completed.
Level 5: ANOTHER water level, only trickier this time. Start going up, and up, and up, and when you see the exit door keep going up. Be careful of the three enemies along the way! After you get up to the very top of the level, push the boulder you see to the right until it falls. Jump down and push it to the left. Jump down again (this time I advise you look down by press down to make sure when you leap you won’t fall into an enemy and lose a life) Keep going down, and if you want, jump off the ladder to the right and get the free life (or enter the secret area), otherwise, make sure you just get to where the boulder fell next to the monkey petpet, and push it right. Jump/swim down and the boulder will break through a platform at the very bottom. Go and collect the treasures (be sure the boulder doesn’t fall on you while you do this) then swim up! Get to the door, and then your done level 5!
Level 6: Yet ANOTHER water level! Go right, don’t even worry about going left. Crawl around and go down. Hit the arrow box, then jump, because it’s going to set off another arrow box, then jump again, because THAT arrow box is going to set off another one! Then wait for the third one to make the dynamite explode so you can jump up and go into the water. Be careful of the skull enemies! It’s sometimes hard to avoid them while swimming. Dive down to the far right and get some treasures, then go to the left and set off the arrow so some boulders can come break that platform you see. Swim down and get the treasure. Then swim up and go left, crawling through that gap. I advice you go up for air before going down and getting the next three sets of treasure. Now if the water level isn’t high enough, you must wait for it to rise so you can be able to get the last treasure that is up on a high ledge. Once you do that, go back underwater and go to the right. The water level should be high enough by then so you can swim up to the exit door. Voila!!!
Level 7: Now this is an interesting level. Swim down from the starting point. See the exit door down there? You’ll be returning to this point later. Jump up the platforms, and go right. Jump on the arrow, then QUICKLY go right some more, because the arrow eventually sets off dynamite that will let metal crates fall and then you will be trapped. It also sets off some boulders which break the platform below you, so you can go down into the water. Ignore the treasures above you for now. Go down into the water. Collect the treasure, get some air, and go down into the water further. Collect more treasures, go to the air gap for some more air. Continue down further into the water. I advise you go to the air gap before collecting the treasure and/or breaking all the crates (which I might add gives you some points!) After that, swim up, collect 3 more treasures. Then hit the crate, and then hit the arrow after it falls. After the arrow sets off dynamite, continue to the right. Now when you go up and crawl to the area with the dynamite and metal crates, you have to jump up and hit the dynamite, then quickly crawl right to get out of the way of the explosion. Now jump up, and go to the left of the next dynamite you see. Hit it from the left, and it will get rid of the crates so you can go down. Remember all the falling boulders earlier and that little bit of treasure? Well your back there. Go left and be careful of the mites. Jump up to the platform from the boulders, then from there jump up on the big pile of boulders. Jump down into that little gap, and get the last two treasures. Jump up and proceed left. After crawling and setting off an arrow, go down. It released some crates and a boulder. Carefully destroy the crates then push the boulder to the left. It will break the platforms, and then you can swim down to the exit door! And please don’t ask about the gem in this level. It’s a glitch; it’s impossible to reach the arrow you need to in order to get the gem. But the secret area is perfectly accessible. 🙂
Level 8: It may not look like it, but this is another lovely water level!!! First of all, push that boulder you see to the right and into that gap with the mites. Then you can jump up on the platform, and hit the crate so the dynamite falls. After that, hit the dynamite from the right so it breaks that platform. Go down and hit the arrow. Now some dynamite will go off, so now you can go through that little area to the right. Push the one boulder out of your way while your crawling. Now continue right, and climb the ladder. Go left to collect some treasure and break all of the creates and keep crawling right through the wall into a secret area, follow through to receive a life, hen go up the ladder some more. To the far right there is some more treasure. After you collect that push the boulder you see to the left, then go down. Leave the boulder where it is for right now. Go down and right, and set off that arrow. Go back to the left, and go up to push the boulder you left behind to the right, breaking all those platforms. Now you can go down. Go left and set off that arrow. Wait for all the stuff to start falling then go down. Here it gets a bit tricky… Set off that one dynamite and wait, the collect that treasure. Then go up and set off the other one, collect a treasure. etc. Until you go to the next area. Go over to the ladder, crossing a floor of metal crates, and go down. After you go down, you see all the metal crates and some wooden crates. Hit all the wooden crates you can reach, then go back up the ladder. Go back to the right to all the metal crates, and go down. The last treasure you need is now available! Go up, and proceed right. Keep going until you see a skull enemy, and a ladder. Go up the ladder. Hopefully you haven’t drowned yet, so you can go through the door! 🙂 There ya go!
On the left of first ladder is a small cave where are wooden crates and treasures. You must crouch down and run left into the water tunnel. Then jump left above the gap and there you can see heart on the end of cavern. You can go back the same way or fall down to the start point.
Level 9: This is a fun level! Right away, jump over to the left. Don’t worry about going to the right at all. Jump up to set off the arrow, then jump up again to get on the platform. Jump to the other platform, then quickly jump to the ladder you see to your right because the arrow you just set off is causing boulders to come your way! After getting off the ladder, you need to jump on the crate that is hovering between the land your standing on and the land you need to get too. Jumping on it will cause you to bounce (if you just fall on it you don’t bounce I don’t think), so just press right as you bounce off it. Jump again and hit the crate, then grab for the ladder when the crate makes you bounce. Now you need to jump from ladder to ladder to ladder. You have to press over and jump at the same time (–no html comments- and space bar) I fine for ME, it does it when I press over first and then space bar quickly after. Go over and break that crate, then get out of the way of the boulder. After the two boulders fall, jump down onto one of them. Jump up, and go collect the treasure to the right. Come back, and crawl through the area with the boulder, pushing it left. Keep pushing it until it falls and breaks the mites. Go down on the little platform, then go for the ladder. This is the part that has a lot of people troubled. You have to get on the right part of the ladder so you can jump to your left and hit the arrow. I suggest you position yourself around the fifth-sixth step on the ladder (counting from the top) Use the technique you used earlier for jumping from ladder to ladder, pressing over and jump at the same time. ). Be careful because the arrow might hit you. Now while your waiting for a bunch of explosions to occur and the boulders to fall, go left and swim down to get four treasures. Go back up, and swim to the right. Don’t be scare of swimming over the mites, as long as you don’t jump and come back down on them they won’t hurt you. Just keep pressing up and over until you reach the stair-case boulders, then just jump up. Collect the remainder of the treasure, and head for the door!
Level 10: Another fun level! First of all, go down the ladder to collect 6 treasures. Go back up and climb the three sets of ladders. After you crawl a bit and set off the arrow, quickly continue to the left or you will get smushed by falling boulders! Collect the two treasures that fell with the boulders, then proceed. Go over to the wooden dynamite. You need to jump up under it to set it off. Run to the right, and wait for it to hit the metal dynamite. After they start to go off, jump over to the left to fall through the gap the explosions created. Don’t wait too long or you’ll either get hurt by the dynamite or fall on the mites below! Next, crawl and hit the arrow. Quickly go for the platform! Jump up, and make your way along the platform, jumping over piles of metal crates and collecting the treasures, because the arrow you had to set off will cause all the dynamite to explode and you don’t want to get caught up in that. When you reach the end of it all, climb up the ladder, then the other one and jump over for a treasure. Set off that arrow, then proceed to the right quickly before the dynamite underneath your feet explode! Jump for the platform when you read the end and be careful because the boulders might be falling soon, collect the treasures, and go into the door! Easy!
Level 11: I HATED this level SO much! It took me over 50 tries to beat it I swear! But I got it eventually 🙂 And here’s how. First, you push the boulder you see to the left, and when it drops down, push it left again and it will fall into place. Set off the arrow you see to your left, be careful that it doesn’t hit you! (this happens to me A LOT) When it breaks the wooden crate and a boulder falls down, push the boulder to the left by crawling and pushing at the same time. After that is out of your way, set off that arrow you see. Go back to the right and climb a ladder, and set off the third arrow. Go down the ladder, and continue right until you fall into some water. Swim down and collect treasure. Swim up, then jump up on the platforms above, and jump to the right (be careful of the mites above your head) Go right, and drop down into another water pit, and collect some more treasure. Swim up, then climb up to the top of the area and go left. Crawl through that area going past the ladder again, and jump into that water. Swim left until you reach a ladder, ignore the opening in the water going down. As you reach the top of the ladder, press over and jump like you did in the earlier level. Do it again but this time your aiming for the small gap. As you fall onto a ledge, go down again, and then into the water where you see an arrow. Set it off, and move to the right so the 6 falling metal crates don’t hit you. When the crates fall, you will be able to get on top of them and reach the ladder you see. Go up that ladder, down the next, then up the last one. Just up to his the crate that is holding up and arrow. JUMP down (falling will just make the arrow hit you) on the arrow box, and go to the right (of course using the two ladders) The arrow made it so that you can now dive down into the water to your right. Swim down, and go left and head for the air gap. Be careful of the skull enemy! The loose boulder beneath you needs to be pushed to the right, so do so. After it falls down out of site, swim down. Go to one of the two air gaps before going for big amounts of treasure. If you’d like an extra life, go down and collect the treasure to the bottom right and break the crates as well. Then go to the left of the boulder that is on your left, and push it three times to the right. It will break through that small platform and crush the two sets of mites as well, then swim down for the extra life. Now after this, you have to swim to the right. BE VERY CAREFUL OF THE MITES, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! Break through the bunch of crates quickly, because if you stick around, two metal crates will fall onto you. Keep going, and when you come to a platform and dynamite, hit the dynamite from below, it will quickly explode upward and get rid of that pesky platform, then swim up and quickly either go left or right for some air. You will have to proceed to the right regardless. Remember this area? Your back to the beginning. Crawl to the ladder, and go up. Go to your left, and exit through the door! Sound easy? 😉
Level 12: This level looks easy enough at a first glance, BUT there’s a trick to it: You have to think before you set off an arrow! Certain arrows go certain directions, and if you don’t do this all correctly, you won’t have enough arrows to help you get all the treasures. Basically, you need to set off arrows that won’t set off OTHER arrows or you will mess up. I will try to explain the order of the arrows as good as I can. First, go to the right and jump up all the platforms, and after you reach the top one go left. Go to the second last one, and see that arrow pointing downwards? Jump on it then fall down with it. Collect the treasure. Go back to the right, and climb up the platforms again, and go left to the very last platform this time. There is an arrow pointing to the right out a ways, jump out and set it off, then fall down to the left. Collect that treasure Near the left wall there is an arrow pointing upwards. Set it off from under it, and collect the treasure that falls. Next, when your to the right wall, the lowest arrow which is pointing left, is your next target. Set if off, then go collect the treasure. Go back to the right, and jump up to the second platform, and set off the arrow that is pointing downwards, and collect the treasure. Next jump up to the very small platform you started out on, and hit the arrow pointing to the right and run over to get the treasure. Then, go up on the platforms, and hit the arrow that is pointing to the ground, then hit the one near it that is pointing to the left, and then you can hit the last one which SHOULD be point upwards 🙂 Collect all the treasure, and then your done!
Level 13: Water level!!! This level is not very fun. You have to work your way up throughout the whole level and collect treasure along the way 😉 But it’s not that hard. First of all, wait for the water level to rise and, then go to the left obviously. There will be a gap to crawl through. Go in there, collect treasure, then come out and go up the ladder. When you see another ladder above the one you just climbed, don’t go up it, go right and get one treasure. Now go back up the ladder, and obviously go right again where there is another single treasure. Return to the ladder, then go up, left, then down, the left again. Keep going left until you go past a ladder and crawl for some treasure. Then go back to the ladder, and go up. Go left, then go down the first ladder you see. Go left for treasure. Go back up the ladder, then go left again for more treasure. Go up the second ladder, and continue up. Push the boulder through the area you have to crawl through to the right, then go down and get some treasure. Go back up, and continue up/left. Go left and push another boulder out of your way, and go down for the last four treasures. Swim up, and go left and jump up on the boulders that are sitting on ledges. Jump up. See the door? Now push the boulder to the right and after it smushes a mite, jump on the boulder, then leap for the door! Done! I hope I explained that well enough 🙂
Level 14: This is a pretty easy one! First go left and down the ladder. Be careful of the funny looking ghost gleam pirate, because you need to push three boulders that are to the right back to the little gap you see in front of you. Go over and push the first one, then the second, and the third. After you’ve done that, stand on the boulder, and jump up to hit the crate that is holding and arrow box. (If the ghost gleam comes by while your pushing a boulder, you can crawl and push at the same time) After you’ve set off the arrow, go back up the ladder and go right. Hit the wooden dynamite from the left so it will blast some of the large metal crates collection you see, and continue on collecting the one treasure as well (ignore the fact there are three metal dynamites there as well). When you come to a strange gap with mites, while jumping across it be sure to hit the arrow above you. Then wait for another arrow to fall. Set it off, and wait for some explosions to occur to the right. Now go right, and quickly collect the bunch of treasures. But you have to stick around for a minute!!! Another arrow was set off, and it’s suppose to come down and hit the dynamite you see to the right and set off the three arrows as well. But if you collect the treasure and just simply run left for the door without waiting for the arrows to be set off, you’ll be stuck and you’ll have to restart the level, because the three arrows set off the three metal dynamites you saw earlier and if that doesn’t happen then your stuck right there because the metal crates would be stacked to high to jump over! After the explosions, you can climb over the remainders of the metal crates, and go to the door! Completed.
Level 15: This level is okay. Ignore the door and the treasures above you. You’ll get to them later. Go down the ladder, and jump over to the platform pressing over and jump. Set off the arrow, then quickly return back to the ladder and climb it, and go right. Keep going right until you see two arrow boxes. The one farthest away should be pretty much set off by the time you reach it, and it flies into another arrow right beside it, and that arrow points up. Quickly jump over where the two arrow crates were, don’t worry the arrow going up shouldn’t hit you if your fast, and land on the ledge right there. After some boulders and metal crates fall, go down and go left. After jumping over the line of mites, go set off the arrow you see that is next to a metal dynamite crate and another arrow. After the dynamite goes off and sets off the other arrow, go back to the right, and wait for the bunch of boulders to fall. Go down, and into the water. Swim right then up, and jump up onto the ledge. See the platform and arrow above you? Now, you have to quickly set off the arrow after you jump up on the platform, then QUICKLY, jump up onto the ladder above you! And go up it fast! Because the arrow you set off is gonna set off dynamite that is all along the ladder and if you don’t move quickly, either the ladder will be blown up and you’ll be trapped or you’ll be blown up! After you reach the top of the ladder, go right on the platform, and set off the arrow pointing right. After you do, DON’T forget there is treasure right there!!! Gather them quickly, then run to the left, and quickly climb up the ladder! It’s just like the last one, you have to go quick or you might get hurt. Now when you reach the top of the ladder, jump to the left (be careful of the cute little skeleton enemies!) Collect the two treasures, proceed left, then go down. Go to the left until you reach familiar area. Crawl a bit, where there is some metal crates, then go down again. Collect some treasure to the right of you. Then jump on the arrow below you, and quickly as you can, drop down and crawl to the left, because that arrow sets off another arrow thats coming your way! And if that’s not all, when you finally reach a ladder, notice the dynamite! The arrow is heading for it, so again you have to climb very quickly! (And when your done crawling and heading for the ladder, the arrow is close behind so I suggest you jump for the ladder when your close enough or the arrow will hit you) After you climb to the very top of this tall ladder, jump right, and continue to the right. You will eventually fall down a small gap. Remember this area? 🙂 Collect the treasure, then go to the door! Level finished!
Level 16: This level is iffy… it’s more based on luck than skill! First of all, if you want, you can go collect some treasure that you see. Go up the ladder. Jump up on the platform, get the few treasure, then go over and go up the other ladder. Jump up on the one platform, collect the treasures, then jump up and set off the arrow. Go back down, and go left, and get those treasures, then wait for all the fun! Just wait for all the dynamite to go off and such. Collect all the possible treasures along the way. Be careful of the arrows that are coming from above to set off all the dynamite. When you fall enough that there is a wooden crate and arrow to the right, JUMP on the crate, then JUMP on the arrow and bounce back to the metal crates. The quickly run to the left and wait. Now there are different things that can happen here. Sometimes all the wooden dynamites that fall will explode while all the metal ones are exploding. Sometimes they won’t, and you’ll care to carefully set them off. If you fall down to where you can see a gem and an arrow to your left, go over and get the gem, then set off the arrow, then go back to the right and climb up to get the treasures. Whether the wooden dynamite exploded or landed and you had to set them off, you need to be careful when collecting all the treasures. They are under metal crates and dynamite so be careful that you don’t get crushed. This may take quite a few tries! There is no possible way to explain this simply, so hopefully this walkthrough helped at least a little. 🙂 If you got all the treasures, go down, and go right to the door. Hopefully this won’t take too long for you to complete!!!
Level 17: This level is pretty easy. But it’s a water level even though it doesn’t seem to be! I think I beat it on my first try! First swim to the right and break ALL the crates around the arrow, then set off the arrow and wait. Eventually, the metal dynamite and crates you see nearby will go off, making it so you can swim up and go on land! First wait for the water level to rise a bit though. After that, obviously go left. Wait for the water to rise again so you can get some treasure above. Do this again for the next bit of treasure you come across. While continuing left, your going to have to stop to collect treasures off out of the way to the left twice, then to the right once. Start going up, and go to the left to collect treasure again. Then hit the arrow you see in your way and wait for the boulders to fall. Be careful you don’t get hit. Now go up and begin to go to the right. There will be an area with a whole whack of treasures. Swim down there and after you collect them the door will open. Go out of there then up a bit, and continue to the right. Crawl though a long area, and don’t worry you shouldn’t drown during this. Continue on until you fall down and come to the area where the door is to your left. Voila! Easy peasy! 🙂
Level 18: Another water level! Am I the only person who hates these? Quickly go down the ladder, and go down and find the treasure. Go back up the ladder, and by the time your up there, the gap with mites all along the bottom should be filled up with water. Swim through there, and keep going right. When you see a ladder with two ledges on either side holding treasure, continue right first. You will come to an arrow, so hit it, and it will strike a crate and a treasure will fall down. Swim/run (depending on how fast you depends on the water level!) back to the left and go up the ladder, collecting the two treasures on the sides, and at the top of the ladder go right. Be careful, there are three enemies amongst the area you have entered. There are three platforms, and on the middle there is a boulder. You need to push it from the left and push it off the platform. Then go down below the bottom platform, where there is another boulder. Also push it to the right until it falls down a gap. Now, jump up the platforms until you come to the top one, and hop onto the ladder above you. When you reach the top of the ladder, go left and jump over the gap. There is dynamite and a boulder. Hit the dynamite from the right and it will land on the metal crates you see blocking the way. After they explode, push the boulder you see to the right until it falls down the gap. Go left and drop down. Go over to the arrow you see, and jump on it. It will set off a metal dynamite and destroy metal crates that are in your way, blocking off treasure. Collect the treasure. The door opens, BUT, if you want to get out you can’t, unless you wait for the water level, because there are still some metal crates attached to the area you have to jump over and it’s too high. If you wait a long time for the water level, you’ll have to dive down, avoid the three enemies, and at the same time, the most recent boulder you pushed will be sitting there at the bottom. You’ll need to push that to the right into a gap, like you did earlier. Then you’ll need to swim down quickly, and you’ll see the boulders you pushed. Then go left and go to the door. If you do it this way, you’ll MOST LIKELY drown before you reach the door. I couldn’t beat the level this way. The way I beat it was… Backing up. After you get all the treasures that open the door and your waiting for the water level, instead of waiting, continue to the left, and enter the wall. Secret Area! Continue left, and eventually after you get the gem, you’ll drop into open area. You should recognize this place at least a little. Go down, down down, then right, right, right. Remember these places? There should be air gaps along the way! Now climb up that ladder you climbed up before. Another air gap should be nearby. Now go right, and go down. Be care of the enemies. Go down, and push the boulder that you most recently pushed from up above right. After you push it far enough that it goes down the gap, swim down quickly, and go right. Swim quickly! By the time I did it this way, I had like 1 air bubble left and I lost it once I reached the door! You might have to try this level a few times, but it’s not that hard! 🙂
Level 19: I love this level. It’s one where you really have to think before you do something, but in a fun way! First, collect the 8 treasures if you’d like. You could always go back to them after. The boulder you see that isn’t next to treasure needs to be pushed to the right. After it falls off the ledge onto the one below, jump down, crawl to the left, then push it again so its snug in the corner below. Now go back up, and push the boulder on the bottom to the right. After it’s beside the other boulder, go back for the third boulder, and of course push it down until it’s in line with the other two. Go to the right and collect the other 8 treasures. Ignore the boulder that is beside the four treasures in the gap. You won’t be needing it. Climb up the ladder and hop on the ledge. The boulder that is right next to the gap needs to be pushed off the ledge. Push it to the left, then fall down with it. After it lands on the line of three boulders, push it to the right. It will half break the first platform. Now go back up the ladder, and push the other boulder that is on the top to the left. Fall with it, and push it to the right. It will break through the small platform that is blocking your way. Crawl to the right, and lightly retrieve the first two treasures that are holding up a boulder. After the boulder falls, jump on top of it. Carefully collect the one treasure that is right in front of you. When the boulder falls, don’t worry, you can STILL get the treasure beneath it. Just hop around, pressing jump and right (space and –no html comments-) at the same time. Eventually, you will get the treasure. I’m not sure how it works, but it works! Do the same for the next two treasures, then head for the left. Collect the four floating treasures, and head down the ladder. Go up the four platforms you see above you, collecting the 16 treasures. Now, you see all the arrows and boulders above you. After you jump up and set off the arrow that is pointing up, move to the right. When the boulder to the left falls and breaks through the platform your standing on, jump to the left and fall after it. If you stick around to the right, two boulders will smush you! After you land, wait for the other two boulders to come land and break the platform that was blocking your way. Go down and collect four treasures, then proceed going down then right. Now this part has everyone stumped, you have to make the boulders drop in certain directions. But heres the solution as simply as I can explain it Bottom Left Platform: Push the boulder to the right, then when it lands on the ground, push it five more spaces to the right. Middle Left Platform: Push the boulder to the right. It will break through a platform below. Collect the treasure. Top Left Platform: Push the boulder to the left. It will break through a bunch o’ platforms, then you will be able to collect a treasure below and continue on through the level when your done here. Highest Platform with Two Boulders: The boulder to the left needs to be pushed off to the left. When it hits the ground, push it over two spaces to the right. Bottom Right Platform: Push it to the left. When it falls, it will fall on the boulder below, then slide off it and smash through a platform. Collect the treasure. Top Right Platform: Push the boulder off to the left. This one will also hit a boulder below and slide off it and smash a platform. Collect the treasure. Highest Platform with Two Boulders: The last boulder. Push it off the platform to the right. It will smash through the platforms below. Go down and collect the last treasure. There you go! Now after you’ve done that, go to the small gap that is next to the ladder. Go down, collect 8 treasures. Go down again and collect four more treasures. Go set off the arrow that is pointing right, and wait for all the other arrows to activate and shoot upward and let the one treasure fall. After it falls, quickly jump down for it. To your right, there is a small gap with four treasures. Go over to it quickly, then get out of it quickly as well, because if you dilly dally, a bunch of boulders will fall and you’ll be trapped there or smushed along the way! After that, go to the exit door and then your one step away from beating the game!!!
Level 20: Another fun level, and also my favorite! It’s like a race! I beat this on one try, it was so easy. Now, your not gonna be to stop for ONE second in this one, or you’ll totally mess everything up. First, jump down from the starting point, and automatically you’ll set off an arrow. Now you have to get going. Jump to the platform to the right, collect the treasure, jump to the next platform, get the next treasure, ect. ect. Just follow the path of the platforms, and keep it snappy, because the arrow set off is causing boulders above all the platforms to fall and if you stick around you’ll be all messed up! After you jump from the last platform, wait for the arrow off to top right of you to be set off. It will set off many boulders. As they start to drop and crush the long row of mites before you, start to carefully cross them. Half way, extra boulders will start falling so be careful not to get in their way or you’ll be crushed! After you reach the end of that mess, begin to head down, collecting treasures on the sides of the wall. But be careful, every so many seconds, a boulder falls. It’s best to collect the treasure, wait for a boulder to fall, then head for the next treasure below. When you reach the bottom, head to the left, and wait for the dynamite to go off. After it does, run past it and along the platform before the boulders above fall on you! After you reach the end of the platform, jump off it, collect the one last treasure, then continue to the left and run for the door!!!!
Congratulations! You’ve beaten the game!!! :):):)
Level 1 (tutorial) – When you get to the bit with all the jumps, jump all the way to the end until you get to the last gap. Drop down the last gap, and you will see a loose boulder. Get on the right of the boulder and push it LEFT. it will drop down and smash the wooden floor. Drop down after it and fall to the right of it. You are in a secret cave. Run right to get the gem.
Level 2 (tutorial) – To get the gem, wait until you get to the VERY end and you will see 2 wooden ledges. Jump onto the top ledge.. then jump RIGHT into the wall. you will enter a hidden passage. Crouch down and run RIGHT to get to the gem. Then make your way back.
Level 3 (tutorial) – When you get to the boulder trap, don’t run LEFT, wait for them to fall. climb on top of them and go left.
Level 4 (tutorial) – Nice and easy. After the second dynamite explosion (The one you knock upwards to make fall down), simply drop down after it and jump LEFT into the wall. Keep going left to get the gem.
Level 5(tutorial) – At the exit door, do NOT go through it, jump OVER the exit.. and into the wall. To your left you will find a secret passage. Keep jumping and running LEFT until you reach the gem.
Level 6 -(tutorial) NOT YET FOUND! Must be a glitch or programming error.
Level 1 – At the very beginning, IMMEDIATELY jump to your LEFT into the wall, over the spikes. Drop down, and run RIGHT to the gem.
Level 2 – Jump into the water and by the second set of spikes, there is a bit of wall on their LEFT. swim against that wall for another hidden passage. The gem is far LEFT.
Level 3 – Collect everything at the bottom, and reach the exit door up the ladders. Activate the arrow on the right, and it will cause another arrow to drop. Hit that. Then drop down and wait for the boulders to fall and destroy the spikes. Collect the treasure that falls with it. Then push the loose boulder LEFT and drop into the floor next to it. You will drop to another secret area.
Level 4 – Nice and easy.. complete the level.. and at the very end, when all the metal boxes drop to reach the last bit of treasure, do NOT go to the exit, run all the way LEFT and wait, some more boulders will eventually fall allowing you to jump up to the gem. It does not count as a secret area though. But hey, it IS 5000 extra points.
Level 5 – Jump up to the bit where the Heart is. Jump ONTO the heart, and bounce RIGHT into the wall, you will fall, go LEFT and jump at the ledge to get the gem.
Level 6 – When you finish the level, jump to where the exit door is but do NOT go through it, instead, jump onto the ledge above it. Keep jumping up. Then run LEFT at the top to where the gem lies. Then just swim back to the exit. Your 10th gem is complete.
Level 7 Dont forget, when you activate the arrow on this level, to continue running so you do NOT get trapped by the metal crates. Anyway when you drop into the water, you come across THREE caverns. The first one you drop in a small one with some treasure, and a larger one with LOTS of crates. Break through the crates and go RIGHT. You will see a secret passage BUT I DON’T KNOW HOW TO GET THE GEM!
Level 8 – This level is a little difficult, near the beginning there is a ladder you must climb UP, then another ladder where you must begin to climb DOWN (next to the stack of metal and wooden crates with ONE treasure in them. Climb down the ladder until you reach a bit where it opens out left and right a bit. Drop LEFT and crouch (you may be in water) LEFT into the passage. When you get to the secret area, be quick, it’s full of water. Crawl LEFT under the dynamite and hit the arrow, then IMMEDIATELY crawl right before it all explodes. Wait, and the gem will drop down for you to collect. Then make your way back to the actual level layout to continue.
Level 9 – When you get DOWN the big ladder that leads to a wall of dynamite and an Arrow, jump from the ladder LEFT onto the arrow, continue to go left and drop down into the water. Go DOWN to collect the treasure.. then swim up and RIGHT a bit. ANOTHER passage. This is like Level 7, there is an arrow box JUST out of reach, so I CAN NOT GET THE GEM (it must be a design flaw).
Level 10 – There have been a LOT of people struggling with this level. The aim is to set off traps, then jump and continue with the traps exploding BEHIND you.. you have to run fast.. Anyway, complete the majority of the level until you end up at the exit.. then, jump left onto the boulder, and drop DOWN and LEFT! Keep dropping down and left and you will drop into some water with a boulder to right Swim/crouch LEFT all the way along, until you reach a ladder, climb UP the ladder to get the gem. Then go back to the water and swim/crouch RIGHT. Come up for air, then push the boulder all the way to the RIGHT.. you end up back at the beginning, so just follow your way back around, and go to the place where the small dynamite floor was. Jump up to the exit.
Level 11 – When you drop into the water with the skull swimming left and right, push the loose boulder you see LEFT until it drops. Then swim to the OTHER side and get some air, and you will see ANOTHER loose boulder. Push it LEFT over the spikes (be careful of the monster) until it drops and you can’t push. Keep going LEFT until you drop down to the gem.
Level 12 – This level seems easy, but you must activate EACH arrow in order. Make sure the one you hit will NOT set off any others. To get the gem, wait until you have collected everything, then drop into the pit on the far RIGHT (right of the exit) and crouch RIGHT. You will crawl along and set off an Arrow Crate. Crawl back, and the gem will fall at the main exit door.
Level 13 – When you have 19 chests collected, do NOT go and get the last four. Run and jump left and up to the exit. and jump to the exit door which is closed. Then jump RIGHT again and crawl through the wall. You will drop down to a secret area. Run RIGHT and activate the ARROW. The gem will drop. Crawl back to the main level, and go get the remaining chests (there is an air pocket near them).
Level 14 – When you get to the bit where you set off an arrow trap that goes RIGHT and hits dynamite, QUICKLY follow the arrow and collect the 9 pieces of treasure behind it. Then RUN RUN RUN to the LEFT and duck in the gap. 3 arrows will be chasing your butt! When they pass, run RIGHT again just in time to see the gem fall down. Easy! 😀
Level 15 is VERY difficult. When you drop into the water. Swim down past the first set of spikes.. and before you reach the second, swim LEFT into the wall that seems speckly. It’s a secret passage. It leads to a vast cavern underwater. QUICKLY swim LEFT and dodge the spikes to get the gem, then QUICKLY swim back right to the passage to get your air back.
Level 16 is another fast action, run as fast as you can against the arrows level! Go up first, then collect the stuff there, set off the arrow, drop down and run LEFT quickly. The arrow will break the passage free. Drop down and crawl to the bottom as everything explodes around you. At the bottom, do NOT go in the exit, climb up the ladder AGAIN. Climb to the Very top of the level where you see a heart box, get it.. then run and JUMP all the way to the LEFT and you will fall by the gem. Jump to it, and set off the arrow crate to get back to the exit.
Level 17 is a fast rising water level, so be quick. Collect everything until you get to the exit doors at the end. Swim OVER the door and go down and LEFT into the wall. Another SMALL passage containing yet another GEM. Go back to the exit to complete the level.
Level 18 – Climb DOWN the first ladder to get the treasure. Then climb back up as the water rises. You will continue to collect stuff and eventually go up TWO sets of ladders. Keep going up and follow the level round. You will come out to an opening that has THREE wooden ledges. Climb the BIG ladder there UPWARDS, and collect all the stuff, KEEP going LEFT and when you reach a wall, jump through it. GEM!
Level 19 – When you get to the part where you hit the arrow that hits dynamite, and the first arrow comes up through a hole upward, do not wait for other 2 arrows to come up, drop after first arrow going up then hit the arrow that hits gem right after that, get the 4 boxes in the hole then go back up and hit the gem and then get that. Hope that made sense! 🙂
Level 20 – VERY HARD! At the VERY end, jump over the exit and crawl LEFT, it will drop you to a small tunnel. No secret area. Run LEFT and you will reach a lot of small ledges. Jump all the way to the top and go RIGHT to get the gem. Then make your way back to the exit. CONGRATULATIONS. You have completed it 😀 – tedkissel
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