Grundo Snow Throw Tips

Control the Opposition

Once the “Beasts” Get past the Crack in the ice (The one dividing your two side) You can control them! (But you can only do stuff to them whilst there on your side of the screen) What I do is either move them to the side of the screen away from my guys so I can hit one guy at a time, or if your getting tired of the game, use them to kill your own men to end the game. 🙂 – Jeremy Lovett


Since you can only have one grundo throw a snowball at a time, put 1 grundo on each side and use the grundo you did not move. If that grundo is hit, then you will still have 2 left to use as reinforcements. – Kirk Langsjoen

Better points

The score you get (& NP) is based on your hitting. If you miss the beasts, then your score will lower, at the end of each game it will show your average “__%” if you get 99%, you’ll get a good score, if you get 80%, it’ll probably be lower. –

Moving explained

As you have probely read you should always put two grundos aside, I always put one left and one right starting from level 4, ’cause if I try to move the other two grundos it takes to long and then I cant get the ‘level in 15 seconds completed’ bonus. And in the first 3 levels it is an easy job to win.

The second thing I do is putting the grundo that I use near the (earthquake) crack so that the snowballs do more damage to the snowbeasts that attack you.

If you follow these tips you can beat your personal record easy. – to_big

A secret

Okay, if you don’t do it right, grundo snowthrow can be a big bust. But there is a way to getting 210 np every single time you play it. What you do is you throw snowballs at your own guys. Once they go down perminantly, you can either get then defeated by the opposing side by just standing there, (that gets you 210 np), or pelt the opposing side with snowballs. But DON’T MISS. If you play it three times, you can get 630+ np! –

Mini Guide

This game I have recently played and got a score of 180 on. This game takes strategy to win. You have 3 men that you can use to knockout all the snow bears. A great strategy is to put 2 of your men to one side of the screen and use your other man to take out the rest of the bears. If you see a yellow bear, that is a bonus bear and you will get bonus points for knocking him out. Also make sure that you are very accurate with throwing your snowballs. If your accuracy is at 90% or above, you will get 90+ points (according to what your accuracy is at. For example, if you get 98% accuracy, you get 98 points, etc.). Also try to finish up each fight as quickly as possible. If you finish it within 15 seconds, you will get extra points. To throw snowballs, click on your man and hold it down until the meter gets all the way to the top. When it gets there, immediately let go of the mouse and out goes a snowball! As you get up to higher levels, you men will be outnumbered. When you get to level 8, the number of bears will reset to 1 bear, but they will be harder to knockout. Anyway, with a bit of practice and patience you can master this game with one hand tied behind your back (even though you only need one hand to play :P)! – neoexpert34


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