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Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:15 pm

Day 14: match 2, 19k
Day 15: match 2, 19k

0: 5 (31,500)
2: 10 (147,750)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day 3
Total: 189,250

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Rounds w/no BLB: 2

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:11 am

Day 15, no matches, 18.5k

Took today off of work 8)

Did not do much of anything. Yay?

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:18 pm

Day 16: no matches, 18.5k

0: 6 (50,000)
2: 10 (147,750)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day 3
Total: 197,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Rounds w/no BLB: 2

I think things are correct now, but there was some sort of discrepancy between the top and the bottom.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:51 pm

Day 16, 2 matches, 19k

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:47 pm

Day 17: match 2, 19k

0: 6 (50,000)
2: 11 (166,750)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day 3
Total: 216,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Rounds w/no BLB: 2

So not looking forward to tomorrow. Too much anxiety about whether or not our next door neighbors will try to burn our house down again with their stupid Disney-sized fireworks being launched in a small backyard.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:41 am

I've been spinning, and I think today was day 10, 18.5k. Hopefully you have a rainy evening tomorrow, Pickles.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:49 am

Day 17, 2 Matches, 19k

Hopefully, there's a LOT of rain tomorrow :evil:

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:00 pm

Day 18: no matches, 18.5k + Tyrannian Kimbi Pull Along Toy

0: 7 (68,500)
2: 11 (166,750)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day 3
Total: 216,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Rounds w/no BLB: 2

They had a party yesterday and launched 30 minutes worth of fireworks (including big ones) last night. Not sure how long they were partying before we got home from a patriotic concert, but they were out there for a while. I'm hoping this means they will not party tonight (it IS supposed to be nasty out - I'm hoping this means they partied last night to avoid the nasty?). At least everything was SUPER wet already because it poured for a lot of the morning and early afternoon. Here I was hoping that since they put in a gazebo-like structure in their already crowded backyard, they would've been smart enough to not launch giant fireworks from it, but...apparently not.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:33 pm

Day 18, no matches, 18.5k

Glad it rained and nothing caught fire last night. Here's hoping the party was last night only.

I spent the morning working on the AC condenser. It didn't sound right last night at all when it shut off. Fortunately, it was just the fan rain shroud in need of attention. If course I needed to buy a better pulley puller to get the rusted fan collar off the shaft, but done and sounds good again.... Oh yeah, the fused disconnect box is a little melted... Needs to be replaced very soon. The good thing about the "squeaky bearing noise" is that I found the melted bits in the fuse box and can address it before it becomes a lot worse.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:48 pm

Day 11: 18.5k

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:09 pm

With all the goings-on yesterday, I had convinced myself that I did not spin and would be reset today. Nope. All good. And no, there was no alcohol involved to cause such a thought. I did, however, not drink enough water in the morning before working outside until 1pm... Not a great idea. Definitely not as resilient as I was as a wee lad of just 90 year old... LOL. I did pick up a replacement fuse box and fresh fuses this morning on my way to work.

Day 19, no matches, 18.5k and a Basic Gift Box

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:35 pm

Day 19: no matches, 18.5k

0: 8 (87,000)
2: 11 (166,750)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day 3
Total: 235,250

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Rounds w/no BLB: 2

Thankfully they didn't party last night (and ironically enough, it didn't rain at all yesterday despite the forecast). Of course, the rest of the neighborhood did instead. Thankfully, no one was launching fireworks too close to us this time (a few doors down at closest), but I was still jumpy all evening. People two doors down from us partied until who knows how late. One of the things I miss about the previous places that we have lived is that fireworks were not permitted in the city limits unless done professionally. Boy do I wish they had that here. But, nope. So, at least two night of the year, I get to live with the anxiety of it.

Blue, I'm glad you caught it before things got worse! We had the joy of disassembling our dryer over the weekend when it started making a terrible high-pitched squeal to replace some of the rubbers. We recovered 5 keys, 11 dimes, 3 nickels, 6 pennies, and a button. The dryer is MUCH quieter now! :lol:

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:05 pm

Day 12: 18.5k

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:35 pm

Day 20, No Matches 18.5k

Glad the immediate neighbors did not repeat the fireworks last night. At least things were likely still nice and wet for the other neighbors' fireworks

Pickles wrote:Blue, I'm glad you caught it before things got worse! We had the joy of disassembling our dryer over the weekend when it started making a terrible high-pitched squeal to replace some of the rubbers. We recovered 5 keys, 11 dimes, 3 nickels, 6 pennies, and a button. The dryer is MUCH quieter now! :lol:

You had quite a haul in your dryer. That's awesome. 5 keys? Nice 8) Best I ever found was a dead bird - Dryer was not drying well like the vent was clogged. I unhooked the dryer, cleaned out the vent (which was clear). Then turned the dryer's backside towards the (open) door into the garage for better access. Turned it on to "look and listen" ... and the dead bird shot out into the garage. That was weird.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:34 pm

Day 20: no matches, 18.5k

0: 9 (105,500)
2: 11 (166,750)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day 3
Total: 253,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Rounds w/no BLB: 2

OMW on the bird, Blue! That's crazy!

But yes, our dryer is actually eerie with how quiet it is now. Mr. P also greased the axle for the roller wheels that he replaced as well. I keep wondering if it's still going or not. 4 of the keys are house keys (and we expected to find them - Mr. P had a bad habit of forgetting to take them out of his running shorts before dumping them straight into the washer). The 5th...we're not sure exactly what it's for. Could be something for our previous house, like maybe a mail key? We'll probably never know.
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