ahoteinrun wrote:
http://www.silverbulletcomics.com/~edit ... erwrap.jpgSo I no longer have photoshop (new computer and all) so i'm looking for someone who can make me a set out of the above image.
Doesn't have to be fancy, i've always liked simple sets. I really like the colors and line work of the Mouseguard series, so something uncomplicated would be best. If anyone could help out it would be great! Thank you hopefully in advance!
Here you go. The original link doesn't work anymore, so I tried to find one that was similar to what I remembered the last time I perused this thread.

nicholas wrote:
can i have a sig with a big fat grey rabbit who is evil?just a big gray rabbit who has red eyes and other thing too make it look evil.with a little man about too be eatin.the text.......killer rabbit.death too all!other then that,i dont care.some skulls here and there meaby,you know.
This looks quite...evil.

Brendon wrote:
Brendon the Newsposter would like a set please

I'd like it Fall/neo related. With some nice text and my name on it. I trust you


averly wrote:
So I decided it's about time I demonstrate I have a personality by getting a set. I'd be much obliged if someone would take this on.
http://www.thearchetypalconnection.com/images/Beauty&BeastDancingLow.JPGSecondary: perhaps some roses or rose petals in the background? Whatever works - I'm flexible.
Main Text: True that he's no Prince Charming
Sub Text: But there's something in him that I simply didn't see
Dimensions: Whatever is easiest for you and is within the sig dimensions
Colors: Whatever works - though with minimal yellows and oranges (other than the dress obviously)
http://bp2.blogger.com/_0qC6AagSz_U/RwgcstWW0ZI/AAAAAAAAAEk/P4MmwmtnmQE/s320/rose+mirror.jpgMain Text: Averly
Dimensions: 80x80
Colors: Same color scheme as the Sig
This was VERY difficult to work with.

vieaira wrote:
I want a sig and av with a Near (Death Note) pic for the av, and this picture for the sig. Mmm...I don't watch Death Note. I hope I got the character right.

Siniri wrote:
I'd love a Halloween/Samhain/Dia de los Muertos set (sig + avi) -- my birthday is "the day of the dead" (which I thought was so cool I went around telling people that in elementary school). I don't want jack-o-lanterns though; I'd prefer a Celtic/mystical theme rather than a ghost/goblin theme. But I'm not that artistically inclined, so I'll give the designer a lot of latitude and freedom.
Here are some possible images:
this one's just coolsecond choices:
Poulnabrone dolmen (neolithic tomb -- I think this image would be cooler if the sky were darker/more ominous
the gated cave in the centerother options (not as cool, in my opinion):
winter solstice in Newgrange portal tombNewgrange under a full moonpotential background/filler:
stone carvingsstone spiral carvingmore cool stone carvingsThe av and sig don't have to match, as long as they go together. I don't care too much about whether there's text on the av or not. For the sig, I'd like it to have my name, preferably written as sínírí (with accents on all the i's sloping from top-right to bottom-left) -- and then maybe "Lá Fhéile na Marbh." A Celtic font would be cool, but again, I'm fine with anything that looks good.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to take this on!
Well, happy (early) birthday!

Okay, I've saved all the photoshop files on all the sigs, so if anyone wants anything changed, please PM me. Thanks!