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Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:20 am

I just scored my first 8. So I am very happy. I don't think I can beat that because I run out of time, but I am trying.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:21 am

I just scored a 7! My ball got really fast, though...it's weird...

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:33 am

Just got my first 12 - 0 win. :D

Whoot!! it is getting easier.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:02 am

I've never gotten 12 goals myself. I've gotten like at most five 11's so far. I want a 12 soon :p

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:04 am

14-0 CAN be done. I just did it. :)

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:20 am

I just got the avatar. I'm getting sleepy but I'll probably play a little longer.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:38 am

Hey does the score you get in make some noise actually count for anything? o_o I mean, overall. Like if you consistantly got 7k average points every time versus 5k, would you get more spending points in the long run?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:42 am

The good thing is that your goals per game will only increase the more you play (unless you get 15 or more). When I got 15, I won all face-offs, then pretty much barged through the middle of the field, and I did not get any mutant balls at all. It helps if your opponent plays 2+2, that allows minimal time wasted on fire, normal, darigan and faerie balls (my strategy was to shoot from the middle, just slightly before the penalty box, aiming at corners - for faerie balls, aiming at the goalkeeper).

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:48 am

My best is 11-0 still, but I'm still working on getting a 12 goal game. Guess it's a good thing I love it.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:59 am

I love how they removed the 9 point cap. Now I have something to push for as I play.

25 games today and my record is 12 - but I screwed up a few shots on that one, so I know it can be beaten. Aiming for 15 by the end of the tourney.

Incidentally, the game seems to have gotten easier to me? It seems that the various complex balls hinder me less, now.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:06 am

I...do not like this new version. The players keep sticking to each other a lot more, making it harder for me to get around the place. Plus, the goal seems a lot harder to shoot for... or maybe that's because of the Terror Mountain goalie. >.< I think 5-1 was my best so far.

Then again, I don't like the cup as a general rule. I'll aim for the avvie, then probably let it slide for a little while. I think last year I played something like 5 games per round, hehe.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:15 am

After 33 games, I'm getting better at the new version. It's a bit harder, but I just scored a nine- and if it hadn't been for that second Darigan ball, it would have been a ten. And I never scored anything close to that on the old version. I'm regularly getting above five now, and on the old version I was hard put to get above three.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:26 am

Heh, I'm still bad. I might not have the patience tonight, who knows.

EDIT: I take that back, I just got 7.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:07 am

gingernut wrote:Is anyone trying to play YYB in Firefox 3? I just downloaded it see if it would help with my connection problems, and now my game is really glitchy, keeps speeding up and slowing down. I've tried closing and re-opening a few times, doesn't seem to help.

I do and no problems- could be the site. Try reinstalling the flash plug-in though, that might help.

Aiming for 20 YYB (my average is 5pts a game, though I've hit 8-0 and had a bad run where the curving faerie/darigan yooyus accidentally ricochet into the opposing team's goal), 10 MSN and 1 SS a day. Go Shenkuu... hee!

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:09 am

does anyone know how the points are going to be given out? i am going to try to get 600 wins 12000 goals and about 120 plays for Make Some Noise and 60 for Slushie Slinger. think that will get me top prize?
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