Daze wrote:
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy. I just got my first 10 - 0 win.
They comment! The commentators comment at the end on who specifically did what. He said it was a substandard showing by Timu- by which he meant I wasn't always using the one person desginated as a forward for my scoring. (I play 3 + 1, and Altador's default is 1 + 3.)
They have always commentated at the end of the match. The last 2 years, it was just random players. I have not noticed if the commentators are actually saying anything that co-insides with this game either. I am sure it is still all random.
I can confirm it is not random. (yes, I'm home sick, and I am that bored to test it before I get shooed back to bed).
If you score more goals with one particular player, that player is mentioned in the second commentary piece after the game. If you score an equal "most" number of goals between multiple players (for instance, if your total score was 6, and 3 goals were scored player 1 and 3 by player 2), the second commentary piece doesn't happen.
They really have done a superb job this year with all the minor little details.
Also, I like the fact that the first game you play when opening the window, the players parade out. I think thats a nifty touch.
Edit: Just got a 13-0. I think it might be possible to pull off a 14-0. Might.
Edit 2: Has anyone else noticed that if the opposing team now always leaves one person behind to defend when the rest of the team heads to the other side of the court?