Suppose I should post ~~~SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!~~~ on this just to be safe...
Okay, I beat Trema (quite easily actally, but just barely). Since I didn't have any of the main things that the FAQs suggested (Rabite's Foot, Key to Success, and Higher Power), I'm going to post what I did with the little that I had. There are very many ways to do it, but here's how I did it:
You should have:
x1 Catnip
x1 Speed Bracer
x2 Shining Bracer
x2 Mythril Bangle
x1 Wring
x1 Bloodlust
At least 10 Mega Phoenixes
At least 3-5 Mega Elixirs
A Hefty stash of Mega Potions
At least 5 Mana Spring (or Soul Springs if you have them)
At least 10 X Potions
At least 1 Stamina Tonic
Dark Knight Dressphere
Ray of Hope Garment Grid (probably not required, but its what I used)
All characters level 90+ (preferably 2 characters about level 98 or 99)
I had my characters and dresspheres like so
Name - Level - Dressphere - Items Equipped
Yuna - Lvl 89 - Gunner - Catnip and Speed Bracer
Rikku - Lvl 98 - Dark Knight - Shining Bracer and Mythril Bangle
Paine - Lvl 99 - Dark Knight - Shining Bracer and Mythril Bangle
Ok, you want to equip your characters like so (If you have the items) and put your items where you can access them easily, then save your game. now equip your Gunner with Wring and Bloodlust, this should put her life down to about 550. Then reequip the Catnip and Speed Bracer. Your gunner should no be in the critical state (this is good of course)
Now enter the fight. This may take a few times (mainly because the first boss likes to attack the gunner) but as soon as the battle starts, use Trigger Happy (you'll have to bash the heck out of the button to get it perfectly) and attack with the other two. If you're lucky, he will be dead before he even gets to attack. If you DO get attacked, hopefully it is one of the Dark Knights and not your Gunner (it would be wise to start over if your Gunner dies, it makes it a whole lot easier. That should be the end of the first boss (pretty easy eh?)
Then there's a cutscene and now its time to fight Trema!
Since at this point, your Gunner should still be alive and only one of your Dark Knights may have about 4000 hp. Heal that as soon as the battle starts. Make sure you DON'T attack him just yet. Then very quickly, use your Stamina Tablet and then bombard him with the Mana (or Soul) Springs. This should keep him from using most of his magic (he'll probably still use Demi, which shouldn't hurt TOO much) He's also got some mean physical attacks (which the Shining Bracers should greatly help protect against) But if he attacks you gunner with anything but Demi, she's dead.
Now you may blast the heck out of Trema. But using your Dark Knights, make sure that they heal themselves (not the gunner) and keep above the 7000 HP mark, just to be safe. Although you'd think Trema wouldn't be able to use any magic, hes got a little extra up his sleeves. Once Trema gets down to a certain amount of life, he'll conjure up some powerful spells. When does he do this? Well...
Spell - Percent of life left - Effect
Meteor - 50% left - Physical attack on everyone (multiple hits)
Meteor - 25% left - Same as above
Ultima - 15% left - Deal 9999 damage to party
(Since I didn't have any of the preferred items, Ultima killed my party automatically when he used it, but if you have Higher Power (I think it's a Garment Grid), it has HP Limit Break so that you won't be killed as long as someone in your party has at least 10000 life.)
You may have noticed (if you've been killed by Ultima yet) that there's a small charge time before Ultima (that his other attacks don't really have), take advantage of this and attack with ever single person in your party, although another Trigger Happy should probably do it.
There is a cutscene once you defeat Trema and you also gain the Dark Matter and Supreme Gem. They are nice to have, but since you've beaten Trema, they don't really come in handy since you can kill ANYTHING in the game now. The most important item that you get and the reason I beat Trema is the...
Iron Duke!
I'm not sure the EXACT stat boost it gives you, but it gives about 100 boost in every stat andputs your HP and MP by 100%. This basically means that if you equip this even to a gunner, you will do 9999 almost every time you hit. Probably the most useful item in the game (well sicne its the most difficult to get...)
That's the longest thing I've probably ever posted, but if anyone is having trouble beating Trema and doesn't have the Rabites Foot/Key to Success or Higher Power, and you happen to have th items I listed, you can get past Trema easily. As I pointed out before, there are really many ways (and more efficient ways) to do this, and it depends on what you have lying around in your item box.
Time for bed! ^-^
~ Kugetsu
 CLICK IT! Thanks to Laq. 