Rakumel wrote:
The only reason I wanted to buy the zapper in the first place was because I wanted an actual Robot pet, for keeps. I'm almost never on the Neoboards, so I don't care about a frikkin' avatar
Wait, I'm confused. Is there actually an avvie associated with having a robot pet? (avatar.starried.net's been down, so I couldn't check there.) My lab pet got zapped to Meerca about a month ago (one of the ugliest pets, in my opinion), but she got changed to robot about 2 weeks ago. I had no idea that was really rare, and I've still been zapping her hoping she'd change species. But if I can get an avvie from the color, I may as well do that before she changes again. And if anyone really wanted a roboMeerca (I don't know why you would, but to each his own), I'd be willing to adopt her out if the pound came back up. That's where I got her, anyway.
On-topic: I won't be getting the robot-zapper, but the blaster sounds pretty good -- it'd be a definite upgrade to my set. The question is, should I waste almost all my points to get two (hoarding one until prices go up a lot) or should I spread out my points and get some of the books and such? I guess I've got plenty of time to see how prices stabilize. (My other plot books are just in my SDB unread, anyway.)