Yay. Mabinogi thread.

I'm Wikipedia on Ruairi. XD I'm usually dungeoning. I'm actually dungeoning right now. I'll edit more happy information in soon.

Mabinogi is fun with its thousands of skills. Unfortunately, the AP system, which pretty much requires you to buy NX is not fun.

You acquire only 1 AP per level, which is not nice since all the skills require massive amounts of AP to level up. :/ The trials were pretty nice though.

Nao's Support Package allowed the game to be somewhat easier and amusing.

Unfortunately, it was only a week so I have to stop being lazy now and bless all my weapons.

Mabinogi is pretty generous though on the stats system. Usually, you have to google millions of sites to figure out a stat build. Fortunately, Mabinogi just distributes it for you. All you really need is an idea of what skills you want.

I do a combination of magic and melee. Melee is fun with my giant, clonking Claymore.

Unfortunately, said giant clonking Claymore was expensive and still is expensive to maintain. DX Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for power. All the magics are fun.

I used to favor fire, but, now, I dabble in all three. They all have their specific highlights.

I'm not a fan of the ranging system since you have to load the skill, load the arrows, and repeat. It takes a while and if you haven't knocked out the monster by then, it will kick you and your bow to kingdom come.

Dungeoning is the fastest way to level and make money, in my opinion. I'm sure with tailoring, cooking, weaving, blacksmithing, fishing, and many other skills, you could make a decent amount of money selling to other people. However, I find that process tedious...so dungeoning it is! I've dabbled in a few dungeons. Alby Beginner is really easy. If you're starting out, this is the dungeon to do. Alby Regular is a step up from there. When you find Alby Beginner too easy, try this one. At level 25, I can clear it in about 5 to 7 minutes with gold rewards around 500 gold pieces, so it isn't bad. Alby Basic is visited through a scroll. You have to be pretty careful with this one. It's not too bad but you can die. Alby Intermediate is death on wheels. The wisps kicked Fizzy and I to the curb. Ciar Beginner is pretty awesome. It nets you about 1,000 gold pieces upon completion and monster gold drops are fairly generous. Unfortunately, with two floors, it takes about half an hour I believe. This makes Alby Regular, in my opinion, more profitable. Alby Regular is shorter and faster. The only thing is you lose the better exp gain from Ciar.

Ciar Regular is kind of okay at the higher levels. However, mostly, it's a dungeon of death. The golem at the very end is very mean. XD It killed Twizzler, Kisa, and I several times over. The golem also has nasty metal skeleton henchmen. I'd suggest waiting until level 30 or so. Ciar Intermediate, I think, is fairly nasty. The snakes, ratmen and various other creatures are fairly mean and nasty. Steer clear until you get to the higher levels. Barri Regular is okay. However, unless you're accustomed to fighting monsters with magic, don't go there. The imps that cast lightning crashed my parade. T_T Barri G1 is terribly hard. Once again, if you aren't used to monsters with magic capabilities, steer clear. This includes me. XD I'm still not used to it. Rabbie Regular Dungeon should be fine if you know how to handle yourself. Most of the mobs are killable if you don't get hit. Math Regular Dungeon is also fine if you don't get hit.

That's it for the dungeons I've been in.
Part Time Jobs are fun.

Mostly, I'd do the church ones though, since I need the holy waters.

However, if you do them enough, you get better rewards AND pretty titles.

Win win situation.

Ooh. It's pretty.

See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then.