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Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:23 am
Yeah, I did. It was the song I had the most trouble with. XD I somehow 5-starred it today. :|
Now I'm struggling in Freebird. I have like a 50% chance of passing it. That's bad.
I'm doing better at the Beast and the Harlot though...15k more to go. xD
Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:26 pm
YesItIsh wrote:Well, the multiplier is all dependent on the score anyway, so it kind of does indirectly. I mean, at least
this page says something about it but whatever.
Shame on you JCirri
But the 2.8x means that in order to get 5* on the song, you need to hit every note with a score multiplier of 2.8x for the entire song.
Anyway, on ScoreHero on Medium, I am ranked 194th out of the 3,469 people who have submitted scores
Although my goal is to be in the Top 100 for Medium, I am working my way up.
I improved 10k on Freebird on Med, and I am working on finishing up Hard on GH2 (I still have 7 more to go, and then the 24 bonus songs)
Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:25 am
Top 10 on a specific song or overall? Maybe I should try some of that out.
Official Tier List and song list, if anyone hasn't seen it already.:\\
Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:15 pm
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is now available in stores!
I bought it this morning, and I love it. Greatest Guitar Hero yet. Better songs, more songs, new look, Co-Op career mode, Boss Battles, more unlockable characters, etc.
Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:21 pm
Maybe I'm losing my touch, but I'm having a bit of trouble with the 7th tier on Expert. x_x I got past Stricken, but I'm getting like 90% through Knights of Cydonia and failing, and failing at the beginning of Before I Forget and 3's and 7's. >_> The songs in this game aren't the same difficult as they were in GHII, these are more along the lines of "Are you good at chords?" because most of the songs are riddled with them... and I suck at doing a bunch of chords quickly. xD
I'm actually rather disappointed with this installment so far. The difficulty in the first half of the game is atrocious as it takes 5 or 6 tiers to even match the first tier diffculty on GHII (on Expert). >_> And the first half is riddled with a lot of bad songs (Tier 3 anyone?) The bonus songs are meh and they should have worked some agreement out to keep the original lesser-known bands they used to have instead of scrapping them all and putting them on Rock Band.
Edit - Got to Cult of Personality and it's kicking my butt... royally. I wasn't expecting the that solo... xD
Edit2 - After SOMEHOW getting past Cult of Personality (after being completel stunned that I was even able to do it) I'm to the Final Tier... and loving Cliffs of Dover. :o But yeah, I suck at One... so yeah, it may be a while before I finish. xD
Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:49 pm
Siouxper wrote:Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is now available in stores!
I bought it this morning, and I love it. Greatest Guitar Hero yet. Better songs, more songs, new look, Co-Op career mode, Boss Battles, more unlockable characters, etc.
I am not liking the $150 it will cost me to buy it on Wii.
Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:33 pm
I know little about getting things from other countries (as far as money goes, since I never import), but if you were to order it off of the internet from somewhere cheaper, would it be less, or is it just the current exchange rate that's causing the price?
Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:20 am
Alex wrote:Siouxper wrote:Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is now available in stores!
I bought it this morning, and I love it. Greatest Guitar Hero yet. Better songs, more songs, new look, Co-Op career mode, Boss Battles, more unlockable characters, etc.
I am not liking the $150 it will cost me to buy it on Wii.
Only $50 here in America
Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:04 am
Kugetsu wrote:I know little about getting things from other countries (as far as money goes, since I never import), but if you were to order it off of the internet from somewhere cheaper, would it be less, or is it just the current exchange rate that's causing the price?
Nope, it's not the exchange rate - the $AU is getting really strong, $AU 1 = $US 0.94 (or thereabouts), it's a 23 year high. Which makes it good for other things.
Problem is that the wii supports region lockout.. so if I did buy a game there, and shipped it here, I wouldn't be able to use it. Even with shipping charges, it's cheaper - except companies hate Australia.
Most new Wii games retail for $99 here - it's a huge jump from your price of $50, which hurts even more now that the dollar is stronger ;_;
Is the $50 for the game + guitar, or just game?
Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:15 pm
He only gave the price for the game.
The price with the guitar varies with system, I know for the 360 it's like... 100 USD? I think it's the same for every system but the PS2, which is $90, I think (or both are $10 cheaper, I forget, I bought the game alone as well xD)
Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:28 pm
We just got Guitar Hero III for the Xbox 360 and it was $90. (game + guitar)
Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:11 pm
I got guitar hero 2, a month of so ago, for xbox 360. I really like it although im not exactly very good. Ive done all the easy and medium songs, most at 5 stars with a couple of 4 stars. On hard the only score i can get is 3 stars and its really annoying.
Anyway, we have one guitar. And i want to get another guitar for my twin for christmas. But cant find one anywhere! I can only find the game + guitar, not the guitar on its own. Any ideas?
Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:20 pm
Jas Frost wrote:We just got Guitar Hero III for the Xbox 360 and it was $90. (game + guitar)
... I hate living in England - its about £65 - thats $130 - for game and guitar here. Essentially, the stand alone guitar over here, is the same as the package there >.<
Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:02 am
Yay. I got Guitar Hero 3 like a week ago. : D I just beat most of the last tier today. One was easier than I thought it would be, and I have no idea how I passed Mosh 1 of Raining Blood because that part is just crap. I'm kind of stuck on the last boss battle though, but I haven't really tried it though. The boss battles are always hard for me. ;_; Meh. Guitar Hero 3 isn't my favorite. The star meter lightbulb annoys me a lot and I hate the font for some weird reason. I don't really like most of the songs (and the charts) too. Most of the charts are kind of repetitive with many chords and there aren't many fun solos to do. The escapist review of the game probably has more things I don't like about it that I forgot. xD
...but it has Dragonforce. Haha.
Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:13 pm
Yeah, in my opinion, 3 pales in comparison to how fun 2 was. I played 2 for nearly a year before I got completely tired of it, and after a month or two (however long it's been out. xD), I can barely even pick up 3 and play it. I did get past One fairly easily (I didn't play the solo as hammer-ons and pull-offs, but instead I just strummed the entire thing and didn't even hit yellow. ._.), but I'm still having trouble with the beginning of Number of the Beast (I can pass it, but repetition kills and I'm usually in the lower yellow or red when I get past it, so I fail later in the song), and when I get past Mosh 1 in Raining Blood, I end up failing on the solo. Then again, I haven't tried in at least a month. D:
I completely agree about the fun solos and the like. This game completely turned to "lets see how many ridiculous chords we can throw into it to make it difficult." That's why I like Cliffs of Dover, Cult of Personality, and all of the other non-chord songs.
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