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Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:36 pm

they stopped the bleeding and the brain signals seem good he broke both his legs and they are working on them now and wont be done til 7

Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:04 pm

That's good! If he's recovering he should be fine in a month or so. His legs shouldn't be as mch of a problem, from what I understand they just have to clean up the area around the bones, realign them, and put on casts. I'm afraid that he'll probably be in the hospital for another two weeks or so, but he should regain consiousness soon, so you'll at least be able to visit and talk.

Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:23 am

he broke them the knee down each leg 3 places i feal like crap

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:02 am

Sorry about your dad. I only know what it feels like to have your dad break a foot......

But, I hopw e gets better soon! 0:)

Hope you are okay! Your dad will be fine!

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:31 am

Well... it sounds like there's a pretty high chance of recovery. How's the rest of your family handling it?

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:34 am

Not very well I expect. It is a very...dramatic...thing.... :thinking:

Well, I do hope he gets better soon!

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:51 am

It sounds like he's still doing okay, though :) Good prayers to him.

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:53 am

Hope he has a fast recovery and I wish you and your family the very best. I'm sure you will all pull through this, sorry something like this had to happen.

Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:56 am

Me too. I know I am just a neewbie, but I do care!
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