-Ducky- wrote:
*-ducky-, awakened by the actions of his former shipmates, rises from the grave and speaks to the passengers of the ship*
you guys need to stop it. now. If you want quote towers, then make a seperate topic on it. this is NOT a time to be all random and stupid. the game is not over yet, so don't go counting your chickens quite yet. one or more people could possibly have been converted, making your lives a hell of a lot more difficult and rendering blk_mage's role virtually useless.
Kidwaiy, if you don't understand what's going on and why blk is doing what he's doing, then maybe you need to reread a few pages back or something, because even I know what's going on and i'm not even playing; in fact, i'm supposed to be dead.
now, play nice or I will personally come back and kill you all (excluding the lovely captain of course) with my magical ghostly powers of DOOM.
*-Ducky-, done ranting and scolding the unsuspecting passengers of the ship, saunters back to his grave, where he will (hopefully *glare*) rest in peace*
You're not a mod... and you can't post here... (let Bangel take care of them)
But seriously, it's not hard to understand what's going on guys (and I seriously doubt anyone was converted).
FTW - A conversion wouldn't change how useful Blk Mage's role is and probably wouldn't change the tide of the game either, at this point.