Werewolf 15: Lost in Space
Synopsis: The year is 2500 (contrary to popular Mayan belief, the world did not end in 2012! Hurrah!). Technology has obviously advanced, and now the equivalent to a cruise is a ride through space. The rich and the fancy with enough money to attend the space voyage climb aboard the ship and prepare for luxury. Among them include a movie star, the smartest man known in the world, an astronaut trying to discover anything left in space to discover in hopes of salvaging his career, a globally known chef attempting to make a new generation of space food, the crew of the ship, and many more. As the party quickly finds out, the many more includes more than just regular passengers hoping for a good time. Others are hoping for blood, and won't stop at anything to get it...
Execution: 5:00 AM NST (I thought it would be nice for the people in funky time zones to get to play comfortably this time around)
Night Scene Posted: 5:30 AM NST
-2 votes are allowed.
-Votes must be bolded to count towards the tally.
-Can vote no one or no execution, however if you chose to vote that, you cannot use your second vote (aka, you cannot vote no execution AND a person on the same day).
-50% of living players must vote for a person to be executed.
-There will be no double executions this game, just for another twist.
-You are allowed to skip two consecutive votes at a time unless there is an excuse PMed to me a day in advance. On the third consecutive vote missed, you will be replaced. You are allowed to miss more than two votes throughout the game as long as they are not often or consecutive.
-You are allowed to miss three lists. Total. Consecutive or not, the game relies incredibly on lists. Therefore, if you miss three, you're out and someone will have to take over for you.
-Evil team members are evil. Meaning they cannot for any circumstances reveal their teammates. If you have revealed your teammates, you will be kicked out of this game. I’m not Scott, so I can’t talk for future games, but I have a feeling he’d be pretty much against it. So don’t do it.
-Werewolf is about lying. A game about lying. Emphasis on game. This is for fun- so if your best friend betrays you or your girlfriend kills you off, I don’t want to see any hard feelings. Keep in mind that the point is not to keep your friends in the game (though many people chose to go that road, and there isn‘t a rule against it), it’s to keep your team in the game. That should be your ultimate goal, whether it means killing off your one true love or not, and your one true love should be able to understand that.
-All roles are given out completely and totally randomly. If three best friends end up on a team (or three worst enemies), keep in mind that it is completely and totally random. Anyone claiming that I assigned roles unfairly will either get a harsh PM from me or be booted from the game. It’s all in good fun, and it’s my job to make sure it is. I’m not going to cheat you, and there will be consequences for making people believe that I am.
-Anything I say to you is up to your good judgment to reveal unless otherwise stated. However, screenshots of anything are completely not allowed. Even if I say you can reveal a detail, you may NOT screenshot the detail and post it on the thread. It is up to you to get people to believe you. And if I say something is a secret that you absolutely cannot reveal, and I find out you’ve revealed it, there will be consequences.
For the Dead:
-If you’re dead, you are exactly that- no longer alive. You’re allowed to talk to live players about the game, but you may not reveal any vital information that would change the flow of the game. You are allowed to share suspicions, but you cannot say “The night before I died I dreamt of soandso and they came out evil”. As stated, you MAY say “I think soandso is evil”, but providing any solid evidence of this that you have found out is not allowed. It’s the innocents' job to figure it out, and you can only share what you THINK, not what you KNOW. Meaning you CAN tell an innocent about a baddie you dreamt was evil, but you can’t say you dreamt it. You can only say you believe so, and hope they believe you.
-There will be no graveyard thread. It’s too hard to keep up with and moderate (considering I'm, you know, not a moderator), and it makes it very easy for a deadie to go out and post the person who killed them.
-A new twist to this game is credits. Each person will be given ten credits at the start of the game, which is like spending money on a trip. Credits can given amongst players. If you want to give a person credits, post so in this format:
[Your username here] wants to give [receiver's username here] [this number] of credits.
-You may also earn credits depending on things you do in the game. There will be a number of random things decided each day that will earn a certain amount of credits. For example, one day I might decide that anyone who says the word 'ballerina' will receive ten credits. All random credits will be awarded at the night scene. If you kill someone, you will receive all the random credits they earned that day. The reason why you earned the credits will never be revealed, as I may use the same random criteria on different days. I will simply post "Soandso receives five credits" at the night scene, and that will be that.
-Here is a list of things you can buy with your credits:
25 credits: A mystery box with an ability inside.
50 credits: Protection from the mafia for one night.
50 credits: Protection from the wolves for one night.
75 credits: Protection from both the wolves and the mafia for one night.
100 credits: Protection from any daykills within the following two days.
125 credits: One kill to use on the person of your choosing.
150 credits: A public role reveal on the person of your choice.
175 credits: The chance to take someone’s role for the rest of the game (they receive your role).
200 credits: Resurrect one person of your choosing.
-To use credits, send me a PM with what you want to use them on, and the actions will be followed out.
-30 players allowed. There is no date for sign ups ending- they will end when we reach 30 players.
-If you come and see that 30 slots are already taken, but I have not closen sign ups yet officially, then you may sign up as a replacement.
-To sign up, fill out the following form (which is probably the simplest in Werewolf history):
Time zone:
National capital of Canada: