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 Post subject: Funny things that happened during games...
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 7:33 am 
PPT Baby
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Post your funny stories here!
I'll start out with two.

Story 1:
Game: Age of Empires II: The Conqurors (Played online through GameSpy)
Match: 2vs2

My ally, who is an arrogant peice of work, had teamed up with me several times before. He never remembers me, though. Anyway. During this match, he really made me mad by closing off my only route to his base, saying it's for "Extra Protection". Yeah, he just wanted me out of his base. Well, he'd finally crossed the line by insulting me several times. Because he was so rude, I got some payback. I told our enemies where each of his buildings were and what he had for an army, without him knowing about it, an option that I love called "directed chat". Well, they sent over all of their people, which all but killed off my ally. I quickly sent in my people and killed their entire combined base in a matter of two sweeps. My enemies were completely dismantled. I got my first Win!

Story 2:
Game: Age Of Empires II: The Conqurors (Played online through GameSpy)
During one of my matches, I happened to research "Spies", which allows me to see anything my opponents see. Well, just a few seconds after, I saw an enemy "Elite Jaguar Warrior" being chased by a jaguar (the wild animal). It took that opponent a while to figure out that he could kill the jaguar easy with his EJW. Funny to watch, as well as ironic and unexpected.

Post your funny stories, as I can't wait to see them.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:43 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Game: Need for Speed Underground (PS2)

Story: OK, it's not the funniest thing in the world, but it was pretty cool. I ended up hitting the wall, and I flip, as if a skateboarder/snowboarder/whatever else was doing a McTwist, and I land EXACTLY the way I needed it. On all 4 tires, in the direction I needed to go.

Yes, I'm aware that it should say Advance, not Color, but I didn't have a font close enough to Advance

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:09 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
On .Hack//infection I left the game running on its own for 10 minutes whilst I went to the toilet, when I came back there was a horde of wandering enemies all doing zero damage to me (I had the elemental advantage). I jut sat there for a few minute, than Swirling Thundered them all (Spinning attack, damages everything around you).

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:01 pm 
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I fondly remember these:

Story A-Final Fantasy X: My character(a kind of wuss), Auron (bad-mutha ally), and Seymour(secretly evil politician) are in a room. Now, secretly, Auron is dead, but walking the earth until his meaning of life is fullfilled(some promise). So, tired with this smart-bottom Auron, Seymour says, "Funny, it smells like you have visited the Farplane (heaven).

Auron just shuts up to turn away, when my character starts to smell his armpit!! :roflol: And Auron just shoves hime have to see it to appreciate it.

Himura the Battousai

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:39 am 
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I was on Furcadia talking seriously to someone... then a guy ran past screaming "Help, help, I'm on FIIIIRRREEEE!!!"

One day on Habbo, I was in the Lido area walking into the pool... then there was a glitch and I was standing on the water.
So people began worshipping me. It was classic... especially when others found out that they could join me by standing next to me. We began a dance party on water. ^-^

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:57 am 
PPT Baby
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Here's one to add

Game: Age of Empires II: Conqurors (online)
Match: 2v2 My friend (with me helping) & some rookie vs two members of the {W} clan.

Well we were getting beaten badly, when we decide to mount an all out attack. Our ally was already heading toward an an enemy base when I noticed his entire army vanished. I pointed it out to Dustin and he sent a Hussar to check it out. When he got there, he was me by no less that 12 Seige Ongers, which have an area damage effect. I noticed they were split into two gropus, so I told dustin to send the hussar to one of them. He did, and the ongars either missed or did no damage. Well he successfully got to them and, because ongars need distance to attack, couldn't attack him from that one group. The others fired and destoryed that group of Ongers and the Hussar. It was slapstick comedy funny. Even the enemy team was joking about it.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:21 am 
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gameboy42690 wrote:
Game: Need for Speed Underground (PS2)

Story: OK, it's not the funniest thing in the world, but it was pretty cool. I ended up hitting the wall, and I flip, as if a skateboarder/snowboarder/whatever else was doing a McTwist, and I land EXACTLY the way I needed it. On all 4 tires, in the direction I needed to go.

I went too slowly towards the bridge, which was probably lifted "for ships to pass through" and landed into the sea :lol:
And there were times an opponent a I were racing down side-by-side down the lane. There was, unfortunately traffic in his lane and he smashed right into it:)


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:25 am 
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I stole a Mr. Whoopie van... O.o It was from a police mission. It's so cool. It had this little jingle... doo do do do do do do do, do do, dododo...
I stopped near this Diablo guy... he walked up, looked like he was going to order (it was an ice-cream truck) and then he took my van and went speeding away.

The jingle was still playing.
Doo do do do do do do do, do do, dododo...

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:29 pm 
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I stole a car in Staunton Island and left it by the water, then stole another car closeby and pushed the first car in the water, got out of the second car and fired away at the first car until the first car exploded. Then some people :lol: came running up see what was happened and they ran into the water drowning themselves. :lol:


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:19 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Combusken BG wrote:
I stole a car in Staunton Island and left it by the water, then stole another car closeby and pushed the first car in the water, got out of the second car and fired away at the first car until the first car exploded. Then some people :lol: came running up see what was happened and they ran into the water drowning themselves. :lol:

Might I suggest you call 1 800-APSYCHO

Once, when me and my sister were playing Mario Kart 64 on Yoshi place, I was way ahead. We both fell off at the same time and switched places. I lost.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 5:48 pm 
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O_O Apart from the usual SSBM ones - chars sliding through other chars in interesting positions...none for me I suppose...



otherwise known as the one who left PPT...and now lurks. *evil laughter*

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:45 pm 
PPT Baby
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I've got some new stories.

Game: Space Channel 5 Part 2 (PS2)
Stage 1: Boss Dance Battle vs Singing Mecha Kin Kon Kan
I was starting the Boss Dance Battle, when the music skipped. It became harder for me to follow the music, but it was funny with everything offbeat. The only part I happened to miss was the last line: Left-Left-Left-Right-Right-Right-Up-Up-Up-Chu!

Game: Space Channel 5 Part 2 and Space Channel 5:Ulala's Cosmic Attack (PS2 and GBA)
Stages: Level 1 on both
Because the stages have the exact same music for the most part, I was playing them side by side. It sounded like a remix of "Mexican Flyer". A bax remix, but a remix none the less.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:49 pm 
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Counter-strike (this is highly inappropiate, be warned)
I go by a feminine name and guys were asking me if I was a girl and stuff. I'm playing in a cs_militia map and like this one nerd started chasing me and stuff making some tongue noises on the mic and I'm running around in the backyard behind the house with him chasing me and everyone else was laughing on the mic and I'm like god dammit stop on the mic and people were SSing the two of us running around, me trying to get away from him.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:03 am 
PPT Toddler
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age o mythology (titans)

There is this "Create a titan" scenario where you power up one titan, or more than one if you buy another. When I played, my player apparently could buy another titan for 1k gold instead of 10k.

I didn't take advantage of it, but apparently the first player had tipped it in his favor by messing with the game, so I lost.
I could've beat him "at his own game".

Please do not swallow the mattresses.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:44 am 

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I was playing super smash brothers melee and I paused at a random time and it looked like roy and link were kissing.

I am the Reverse blade Master.

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