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Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:25 am

Paul wrote:
Bangel wrote:
WIS wrote:Beagles? Is it Buffy and someone else? Or is it a food? .__. *confuzzled*


It's a breed of dog.


I think he meant Bagels. As in the round thing with a hole in the middle. Put it in a toaster?

What toaster do you have? mine can barely fit a pop tart properly.

It's pretty cool to just lay in bed and listen to rain falling against your window. or sit and watch snow fall. that's nice

Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:06 am

Sudoku puzzles!

Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:13 am

matchbow wrote:
Paul wrote:
Bangel wrote:
WIS wrote:Beagles? Is it Buffy and someone else? Or is it a food? .__. *confuzzled*


It's a breed of dog.


I think he meant Bagels. As in the round thing with a hole in the middle. Put it in a toaster?

What toaster do you have? mine can barely fit a pop tart properly.

Biiiiiiiiiig one. :D

Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:14 pm

Miss Padfoot wrote:Sudoku puzzles!

I don't get that puzzle! I tried but gave up. After about 30 seconds.

Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:23 pm

WIS wrote:Beagles? Is it Buffy and someone else? Or is it a food? .__. *confuzzled*

I would have to say...

Chips. I <3 chips. As in, the crisps chips... o__o

And a good, color printer.

What? No House? Someone, call a doctor! Preferrably Doctor House! :roflol:

Having an Andy Hunter CD with you. Priceless. (No, Liz didn't post this or bribe me to post it)

Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:49 am

Towels. Just think of all the ways you can use them!

Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:57 am

Nice soft blankets. And cold pillows. Oreo Cookies n' Cream ice cream. And really good movies.

I love when there's sun shining through the trees after it rains and there's a little mist. It makes everything so peaceful. :)
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