Oh, Requiem, that is so sad. I was an English major in college and, to me, books are sacred. My guess is that your school had insurance and will be able to replace them. But, still, to have such treasures go up in smoke saddens me.
But, oh, where will you go to school? I do hope that they find a place where your class can stay together--until a new school can be built. It is hard when a class has to break up and a few go to this school and a few to a different school.
shapu wrote:
As for it starting in a server room - just goes to show that servers should be kept in rooms with fire-supression systems. I hope that's the next step for the school district.
I never thought of that before, shapu. Both my daughter's elementary school and her middle school have the servers right there in the library. I guess it is easy to shove them in a corner. I think that I will bring this up with the local school adminstration. Because it really doesn't make sense to put a server near ten thousand books, which are nothing more than kindling if you think about it.
alien wrote:
if everyone was out why would the computer have overheated since it was off....
Just because school is out does not mean that the administrative staff aren't in the school doing paperwork. In my daughter's school, all of the planning for the next school year goes on during the summer. So, the computer is used to order new books, create class lists, deal with budgets, order supplies. Only the students get to go home on the last day of school.
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