mazil wrote:
Silja wrote:
Then again I always have a hard time feeling that much compassions for things like these, people die of more horrible things than we can ever imagine every second all around the world and suddenly it's all about one single thing (take the terrorist attack in NY for example).
Mm... I think that the idea of people dying from famine and disease tends to be less disturbing to people, because it's a more 'natural' occurence (though still horrible and unjustified, etc).
The idea of people maliciously harming other people in places where they should feel safe is scarier, I think, since it's something more uncontrollable and less understandable. I find it all a bit scary ... :-S
Edit: Ah, Twisted Sanity beat me to the point...
Still much of the hunger and diseases today aren't that natural anymore, considering that people out there that can help just won't (pretty much summarized in the G8 campaign, I believe).
Anyway, the thing that upsets me most is that within my own country people get more upset about things like these than for example a school bus that crashes the same day within Finland. Of course I am truly sorry for the families that have been affected by this event, but in the end it won't bother me further than that.