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Sat May 07, 2005 6:48 am

I used to collect ticket stubs, Soda bottles (The glass ones), coins, and Books....but
I lost all of them except the

Sat May 07, 2005 9:01 am

Okay brace yourselves people.

I'm the worlds most HARDCORE smiley merchandise collector. Thats right, your in my presence. These were taken last year sometime...



All the little dot things are smileys too. Its alot of bluetack.

Thats just one wall! I have shelves of it, wallpaper, hackeysacks, staplers, erasers, pens, rulers, mousemats, ties, shirts, toys, cups, mugs, dinner sets, books, stickers, pencil cases, air freshners. LOts.

All in all, its about 3000 smileys. EXTREME

Oh plus I collect warhammer, heres a picture of something i'm nearly done painting ... Knight.jpg

EDIT: Rummaging around i found this, quite an old picture.


I got some new shelves and moved all the good stuff so I'll post a pic of that. So hardcore.

Sat May 07, 2005 9:19 am

I never meet anybody that collect smiley. You got a beautiful collections.

Give you a smiley. :)

Sat May 07, 2005 9:26 am

So... many... smilies 0_0

I find smilies to be rather eerie. At least, I did ever since I watched this animation on Newgrounds called Smile.

Sat May 07, 2005 9:29 am

Ahaha I think i might have seen that animation TS :P

and thanks diet cat ^.^ I've been collecting for quite a while, and its really easy for people to get me presents because its just ANYTHING smiley. I think its quite awesome.

Sat May 07, 2005 11:09 am

Give me a guitar and I'll be happy. Alas, it's a rather expensive thing to collect.

Sat May 07, 2005 11:20 am

This thread has inspired me to add to my small collection of harp seal pup stuffs. I have a picture of one in my room, a birthday card with one on and a couple of plushies.

Sat May 07, 2005 3:29 pm

Elephants. Glass, ceramics, wood, belt buckles, pictures, books, postcards, . . . .

Sat May 07, 2005 4:59 pm

hiddenneggs wrote:Elephants. Glass, ceramics, wood, belt buckles, pictures, books, postcards, . . . .

I bet if neggs exsited you'd collect them eh? ;)

Sat May 07, 2005 5:02 pm

Aha! I've thought of something! When I was younger I used to collect these things called Calico Kittens. Anyone ever hear of them? They were these small ceramic kittens, but I don't think any of them were Calico actually. They might have been a division of Precious Moments, I can't remember. Anyway, they stopped making them to my dismay. Those things were adorable.

Sat May 07, 2005 6:10 pm

AFI_Sorrow wrote:Aha! I've thought of something! When I was younger I used to collect these things called Calico Kittens. Anyone ever hear of them? They were these small ceramic kittens, but I don't think any of them were Calico actually. They might have been a division of Precious Moments, I can't remember. Anyway, they stopped making them to my dismay. Those things were adorable.

Do you still have them? :battar:

Sun May 08, 2005 3:09 am

God, Zorg. You freak. **throwns frowning faces at you**
I used to have a Have A Day poster ;P
There was a Have A Night poster too that I saw once... can't remember what the difference really was, except that there were different smilies and the background as dark...

I collect ticket stubs, fortune cookie fortunes, Skyy Blue bottle caps, and just random useless junk I ought to throw away.

I used to collect stickers, not small dinky ones, but those huge shiny ones. I had about 80 or so on the wall above my bed.

Sun May 08, 2005 3:39 am

I collect the state coins... That's really it though. I should start collecting dragons....

Sun May 08, 2005 4:07 am

Sapphire Faerie wrote:God, Zorg. You freak. **throwns frowning faces at you**
I used to have a Have A Day poster ;P
There was a Have A Night poster too that I saw once... can't remember what the difference really was, except that there were different smilies and the background as dark...

I collect ticket stubs, fortune cookie fortunes, Skyy Blue bottle caps, and just random useless junk I ought to throw away.

I used to collect stickers, not small dinky ones, but those huge shiny ones. I had about 80 or so on the wall above my bed.

Hahaha. Yea its have a night, its the same thing but with a more nightly theme to it (have a vampire night etc, rather than have a whatever day). THose two are quite cool, i've seen them on the web but i haven't bothered buying one yet, Rachel is aware of that (she gets me alot of stuff for birthdays n xmas) ^.^

I'll post some pictures in about... 15 minutes :-D *runs away* (Edit : Then the power went out >.< I'll post some soonish)

I also used to have big stickers! They were of the solar system and they glowed in the dark so i stuck them on the cieling above my bed ^.^
Last edited by zorg on Sun May 08, 2005 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun May 08, 2005 4:42 am

I collect coins.... old ones, and weird ones. :)
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