ScottNak looks around the mountains of jelly which line the walls, and he suddenly hears a shot. As he runs, well, jumps, to where the sound is coming from, he sees the unfortunate victim of a single bullet wound. "Well, it appears that someone decided to kill
." As Scott said that, he pulls a piece of stationary out of her pocket. And begins to read it aloud:
Your role for this game is: QUIZZICAL BOXER
Victory Conditions: All evil are exterminated.
1. You have the special ability to box a person up into a compartment with 8 exits. By putting a person in a box, you prevent them from doing anything (voting, using their role, using their power), until they choose an exit.
Each of these exits will give a different status effect of the following:
4 exits will result in nothing happening at all.
1 exit will result in their death.
1 exit will result in their powers to be DOUBLED the next night
1 exit will result in their powers to be DISABLED this night.
1 exit will result in them being immune from death this night.
This will be the PM the person you decide to box up, will receive:
*** TRAPPED!!!! ***
You have been transported into a mysterious boxed area, with 8 doors. Each door is labeled with a number from 1 to 8. Behind these doors, may lie a surprise. The surprise may be good. The surprise may be bad. But until you decide to choose an exit, you will NOT be allowed to VOTE, USE YOUR ROLE, or USE YOUR POWERS.
Please reply back with which door you choose to pick.
After sending me the PM, you are then allowed to Vote, use your roles and powers.
Every day you stay inside this box, one of the "nothing" exits turns into a "death" exit.
You cannot box yourself up.
You cannot box someone up two days in a row.
The door numbers are randomly shifted every day, so Door 5 may be DEATH one day, and IMMUNITY the next.
2. To use this, send me a list of 5 names before the end of night, and whoever is on top of the list and still alive will be boxed up the next night. You will not be informed of what happened to the boxed victim.
"This bullet looks like the same exact one that was used to kill o_0. But it seems to have extra markings... Hm. But it still looks like he was trying to help out the innocents. Another pity..."