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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:45 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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pffft, it only took me about six years to paint a dozen khorne bezerkers, which i promptly tore apart when i redesigned my army to be all nurgle.
its gonna take me a looooonnnnngggg time.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:05 am 
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hahaha yeh well i never ended up finishing my khorne beserkers :D (and my deadnaught is half nightlords, half thousand sons and half khorne... I never made up my mind)

I've kinda made a mid year resolution to finish everything i've got before i buy anything else :) (except maybe a carry case)

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 8:07 pm 
Beyond Godly
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my internets messed up as of now, so thisl be short im afraid.
tyranid codex is out soon, so my next tourny army may just have to be an utterly stupid gaunt swarm or somthing.
but that 180 plague zombie army still has me gripped..

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:33 am 
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Haha fair nuff

I'm just painting regular stuff (highlightinh old models etc) at the mo :)

If I thinkof anything i'll post :D

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:51 pm 
Beyond Godly
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well my latest insane plan is approaching fruition (never mind my latest daemon prince- my chaos are heavily narrative driven, and one of my chaos lords has just ascended, so new model time - based on saint celestine the sisters of battle special lass) ...well that makes about six daemon princes, so one more and i can go sacred number on yo butt :roll: )
anyways, its another defiler (or more specificly, a plague scorpian of nurgle, scratch built) and also a plague tower (all four structure points of it) and a pharoe class scout titan (two, mega, gatlin, twin linked, blast heavy bolters...!)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:10 am 
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cool :)

I got the new white dwarf today :D seems a bit thin of good content... ohwell. I gotta go out to the movies but i'll post my opinions on the new space marines alter

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:40 pm 
Beyond Godly
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next month, rules for the white dwarf hiself...
oh joyous occassion of the 300th white dwarf, 20 somthink year anniversary of games workshop and we get the bleeding rules for the white dwarf that any self respecting nutter would have anyways (did do, lost em after the last computer wipe)

edit:oh we get a big poster of the original horus VS emporer picture, thatll be good!
(and oddly im not being sarcastic, its a wonderful piece of art)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:33 am 
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Setekh wrote:
next month, rules for the white dwarf hiself...
oh joyous occassion of the 300th white dwarf, 20 somthink year anniversary of games workshop and we get the bleeding rules for the white dwarf that any self respecting nutter would have anyways (did do, lost em after the last computer wipe)

edit:oh we get a big poster of the original horus VS emporer picture, thatll be good!
(and oddly im not being sarcastic, its a wonderful piece of art)

You smell of something not very nice! We are only on White Dwarf 298 in aus, (november issue). Its got the new spacemarines and not too great overall. I am tempted to d some sort of small SM army so I have some sort of variety for who I play with....

I wanna make some sort of knowledge chapter, like the bloodravens or the thousnad sons before they turned. I'm gunna get a rhino and completely cover it with books and parchment, and have a whole load of SM kneeling down and shooting (all the stuff about converting is in here :))

Oh also, i'm getting a Dark Angel pendant for my birthday from my sister :) Cool!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:23 pm 
Beyond Godly
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bet you get the white dwarf free like the yanks did though (we english arent, we live in GW country and yet we get stuff later than the rest of the world and less cool offers :roll: )

as for a new army you could try the 69'ers or somthing like that?
well anyways, they were the handful of marines who stayed loyal to the emporer (among the chaos legions this is) whos numbers equaled -oddly enough- those of their combined legion numbers (if you have the old marine codex look up the numbers in there just add together all the chaos legions numbers, thats how many there were)
i did have a story detailing the exact numbers (y'know i think it was 70 actually?) well anyway, the worldeaters managed to cause significant damage to horus' fleet before getting killed, and the others fled to terra to warn the emperor, i dont think they made it in time to warn him, but soon dissapeared after the heresy.
"rumours" suggest they may still live in exile, like the 13th companie.

imperial timeline-

edit: oh well, tis the new emperor VS Horus painting, eh, its till a shiznitish piece of art.

edit2: ok, isnt gonna let me post it ... sue300.htm
theres a link on the right hand side, aswell as for the other posters

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:07 pm 
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*ok sorry no reply in long time* I've had lots of HW to do :roll:

I'm getting a dark angels pendant (off warpartefacts) for my birthday (late present) so now i'm tempted to do a Space Marine army, but it seems kinda regular. I do think a themed ork army would be cool (give them all syringes or jetpacks or something...)

Other than that - Ogre kingdom look like rotted shoe fungi and tau still don't fit intot he scheme of thigns >.<

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