Apricus- Awesomeness... in a sock! Sorry, had to do that. Anyway, I really like this set. The colors, especially. They go together very well. But, I don't really like the hearts in the corners. I don't think they go with the set very well. And the one other thing I don't like is the empty space. However, I understand that would be one hard problem to fix. Anywho, I love the fonts you used (what
is that main font, by the way?) and their colors. All in all, pretty good job.
Paola- I don't really like the background color. I think you should of made it just bit lighter, so it matches the necklace the girl is wearing. On the avatar, I like the placement on the text, but it's kind of hard to read, since it's going vertically. For the signature, I don't really like how 'Nelly' is written on the tree. It stands out too much- my eyes were directed to the writing, not the picture. Font wise, though- I love your choices. The main font (again, what is the name of that font?) is beautiful, but not too extravagent. As for the pixel font, (what's the name of that one, too?) I love it. I also love the blurry effect you gave the girl. Other than the background, the vertical text on the avatar, and Nelly written on the tree, I really like this set. 7/10
Neko- Ooh, prettiness. The two things I can find in this set that I don't like are the pixel dots and the empty space. Other than that, love it. I love the effects you did in the background and on the image, I especially love how you displayed the text on the avatar, and how all the borders just... fit. Just remove thost pixel dots and maybe move the text around to prevent empty space, and... wah-la. We have a perfect set.
Optimus- This set really takes the cake for me. I LOVE this set. The border is beautiful and matches the image so well. I LOVE the subtext and the placement of your name on the sig. I LOVE how you really kept the theme and made everything you added in match with the map. I'm in awe here. This is one of the best sets I have ever seen. Not to mention most creative, for sure. I know this is a short rating, but I might bore everyone else saying how perfect I think everything is. Let me just say, though- you've come a long, long, long way from the last competition. 10/10- I'd give you an eleven if I could.