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Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:51 pm

Everything I need for school. My schedule is arranged perfectly so I can't get to my locker in time. So thaaaaats...

-English binder
-Math binder
-Latin binder
-Biology folder
-Art supplies
-Biology book
-History book
-Latin book
-Reading book (for English)
-CD player

I also have a small purse for pencils, money, and e-mail adresses. That comes to about...30 lbs, I think... And I weigh 115...O.o

Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:54 am


Today I lugged home clay. And not just any clay... but 50 lbs of clay. Plus my discman, lunch, scribbler, and classics text.
Probably 65 lbs in all.

I. Hate. Clay.


Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:59 am

heh, fun topic idea!!

On a basic day, I carry home a backpack, and either a tennis racket and tennis bag, or a backpack and TWO GIANT GIANT GIANT bags because im the school mascot. :D everybodys so gullible too... i just tell them im the football teams ball boy and the bags are filled with balls hahaha.... *you arent supposed to give our your identify*

Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:03 pm

Well, there are a lot of things...

In my backpack, I just about always have my math book (probably the largest too, unfortunately) and math notebook, binder, Biology binder, CD player/CDs (you need entertainment!), and a library book or two; on a full day I'd have my Spanish book/workbook/notebook, English binder, as well as a lot of random things for reference. I carry around Spanish and Jananese dictionaries. :P

Then I carry around a four pound basket of Newspaper things. It's called 'Basket,' actually.

The good thing is I can walk home, since my school can be seen from my backyard. It's not too bad.

Fri Sep 24, 2004 11:44 am

I'm homeschooled so I don't lug anything around. 8)

Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:36 am

Homeschooled people, you're lucky :(

We're not allowed to bring 'toys' or 'lollies' to school, so pretty much only my pencil cases, lunchbox, glasses (if I'm not wearing them), water bottle (Used up Pump bottle), sweatshirt/humper (if I haven't got it on), homework book (only on Monday and Friday), my recorder, togs in spring and summer (first and fourth term) and sometimes something if I'm sharing for news. Also any artwork that I've done at school which is ready to be brought home, but that happens rarely. That's all I can think of right now. *shrugs* And *sometimes* if I'm feeling sneaky and sly...sneak a few 'spare' pencils in without my sister noticing she's lost a few pencils from her 100-pencil box...(she's wierd).

On the last day of each term we can bring games...but I carry it in a grocery bag as my parents won't buy me a bigger bag.

Sun Sep 26, 2004 3:08 pm

I haven't gotten a locker yet, so basically everything except for text books. When I do get my locker I'll only be carrying folders and notebooks because I usually leave my binders in school and put the work in before class. Most of my textbooks are to keep at home too. I'll most likely just have a math text book in school.

Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:43 pm

I live within about 10 minutes (if that) walking distance of where I take classes so usually I only carry a file around with me.

I remember high-school though. I swear my back-pack always used to give me back problems, depending on what classes I'd had that day I'd have had up to:

Maths file
Maths book
Accounting file
2x Accounting books
Computer file
Computer handouts/disks/etc
Media file
Media CD-ROMS/disks
English file
Current English texts
Economics file
2x Economics books
Any current library books

I'm always amazed at how I managed to fit all that into my bag!

Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:28 pm

half a dozen folders, two calculators (why? i dont know) a huge bag, and an awful lotta rubbish that seems to have accumulated over the years that i never got around to throwing out.
oh and the crushing weight of reality :(
(depressions back)

Sat Oct 02, 2004 2:51 am

Back in high school we didn't have lockers and teachers insisted that every subject had to have a different notebook, we used our text books everyday so we'd be lugging those plus our notebooks. Needless to say in a couple of years my back was killing me everytime I lifted anything remotely heavy, I was so grateful when I finally got my car :)

Now in college I have just a notebook and less textbooks, sadly each one of the text books is thicker than the bible, specially the calculus ones, those are huge!

Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:59 pm

I lug home every day:
My STUFFED Zippered Binder
My 3 ring notebook for math
My two band folders
My Purse
My Flute
My Lunch Box if i took my lunch.

Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:16 pm

What I lug home each day after school:
Textbooks and Binders, for homework
Lunchbag, if I get a packed lunch that day

Not much really.

Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:31 pm

Dead bodies.

Whoops, did I say that outloud?

Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:19 am

Ammer wrote:Dead bodies.

Whoops, did I say that outloud?

So thats what that giant black bag was! :D

Or was that your bell? *snigger*

You and your "wife" Must've had one heck of a time making that.

*dies* This is almost as good as the Mushroom joke.

Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:30 am

Xil wrote:
Ammer wrote:Dead bodies.

Whoops, did I say that outloud?

So thats what that giant black bag was! :D

Or was that your bell? *smurf*

You and your "wife" Must've had one heck of a time making that.

*dies* This is almost as good as the Mushroom joke.

Haha. Oh we divorced that very day.
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