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Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:17 pm

Whoooo!!! Gosh you were all right! I didn't do as badly as I expected at all! In fact, considering I didn't work or anything, I've done pretty well!

English = A
English Lit = A
Maths = C *groans*
Drama = B
R.E. = A
Music = A
Business Studies = A
Science = BB
German = B

I'm really proud of my marks except Maths which I did want to take at A Level - I'm strongly reconsidering!

Congrats to Pyro Parrot and Skullsplitter too!! It's all over for us!!!! (this year :P )

Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:29 pm

Twinkle wrote:Whoooo!!! Gosh you were all right! I didn't do as badly as I expected at all! In fact, considering I didn't work or anything, I've done pretty well!

English = A
English Lit = A
Maths = C *groans*
Drama = B
R.E. = A
Music = A
Business Studies = A
Science = BB
German = B

I'm really proud of my marks except Maths which I did want to take at A Level - I'm strongly reconsidering!

Congrats to Pyro Parrot and Skullsplitter too!! It's all over for us!!!! (this year :P )

I knew you would do well Twinkle. :D Congratulations, you've done excellent. *hugs*

Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:54 pm

Twinkle wrote:Whoooo!!! Gosh you were all right! I didn't do as badly as I expected at all! In fact, considering I didn't work or anything, I've done pretty well!

English = A
English Lit = A
Maths = C *groans*
Drama = B
R.E. = A
Music = A
Business Studies = A
Science = BB
German = B

I'm really proud of my marks except Maths which I did want to take at A Level - I'm strongly reconsidering!

Congrats to Pyro Parrot and Skullsplitter too!! It's all over for us!!!! (this year :P )

Congrats for your success (except in Maths :P). I don't know much about the system so are you only allowed to A level the ones you got A's in?

Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:55 pm

Twinkle wrote:Whoooo!!! Gosh you were all right! I didn't do as badly as I expected at all! In fact, considering I didn't work or anything, I've done pretty well!

English = A
English Lit = A
Maths = C *groans*
Drama = B
R.E. = A
Music = A
Business Studies = A
Science = BB
German = B

I'm really proud of my marks except Maths which I did want to take at A Level - I'm strongly reconsidering!

Congrats to Pyro Parrot and Skullsplitter too!! It's all over for us!!!! (this year :P )

Wow well done to both you and Skullsplitter, I envy your marks.

I have one more GCSE than you guys though =:0)

Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:29 pm

Christopher wrote:
Twinkle wrote:Whoooo!!! Gosh you were all right! I didn't do as badly as I expected at all! In fact, considering I didn't work or anything, I've done pretty well!

English = A
English Lit = A
Maths = C *groans*
Drama = B
R.E. = A
Music = A
Business Studies = A
Science = BB
German = B

I'm really proud of my marks except Maths which I did want to take at A Level - I'm strongly reconsidering!

Congrats to Pyro Parrot and Skullsplitter too!! It's all over for us!!!! (this year :P )

Congrats for your success (except in Maths :P). I don't know much about the system so are you only allowed to A level the ones you got A's in?

No, it depends on each subject. Most ask for at least C's in English, Maths and Science and at least a B in the chosen subject. As I took the higher paper in Maths I automatically qualify for the A level course but it'll be difficult. I hope I'm doing the right thing!

Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:35 pm

Good job Twinkle. I couldn't picture you walking around with Ds and Fs.

Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:55 pm

Congratulations everyone :)
I was distraught this morning on being unable to find a great deal of coursework until it transpired that my mother had decided my coursework belonged with my year 7 books >.<

My brother took his Geograohy in year 10, without attending lessons and he got an A* :)

Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:37 pm

o.O I would start boasting about my A*s, but I haven't done GCSEs yet. XD

Well done all of you! Nobody failed, that's great. ^^

My brother got five A*s and five As. *grumbles* Annoying boy. Now I have loads to live up to as my even older brother got five A*s and four As. I hate older siblings. -_-

Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:38 pm

Congratulations everyone!!!!!

Are you going out to celebrate??

Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:47 pm

floella_de_ville wrote:Congratulations everyone!!!!!

Are you going out to celebrate??

Well I was until the great fairy beyond the clouds decided she was going to ruin my day. I lost my phone today and now as a punishment for being irresponsible, all the money people said they would give me for good results, I'm not allowed to have, which has put the kibosh on the partying plan and the buying a new phone plan. Also, at first, I thought my mom was proud of me and thought I'd done well....until she started asking me what all my friends had got and compared me to them. So yeah, I'm in the worst mood ever. :cry:

Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:56 pm

YES!!! I passed all of my subjects!

Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:16 am

Bno wrote:YES!!! I passed all of my subjects!

Go twinno, I are so proud of you *wipes tear from eyes*

Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:40 am

Congrats, Bno and Twinkle! Told ya it won't turn out to be as bad as expected. ;)

Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:57 pm

Thanks for all the well-dones and congrats to everyone else :)

Sixth form indeed. For my sixth form they essentially want you to get at least 4 A's, in maths, science and the englishes, if you want to do 4 subjects + general studies. But if you want to do 3 subjects the requirements are lower.

One thing I have been thinking about with regards to a-levels is that people who've spent the last 4 years in different teaching groups from each other are going to be bunged together in the same classes. You know, people at the A*/B end with the B/Ds being taught the same stuff. Fantastic for people in the lower end who want to opportunity to be taught at the same standard that the top groups have been taught at for years, but it also potentially creates a situation where people could struggle.

But meh, thats a problem for the future!

We went out and partied last night, it was great, dubiously obtained fun ;)

Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:51 pm

Bno wrote:YES!!! I passed all of my subjects!

Awwww...congratulations, I'm happy for you. Well done. :D
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