Let's see... there's the one with the rabid pink-eyed dog that keeps popping up. The first dream was about getting bit. It actually hurt because I was a little kid on conflicting medications. The other dreams I had of it were a little to nightmarish to discuss openly. I can only say that the last dream in that series was more of a relief when I actually dreamed I died, canceling that subconcious show.
There's the old dream that I'm in a much scarier version of every kid's obstacle course game show combined. I stopped having those dreams, too, but you could say they live on in Fear Factor as if the show's creator stole my ideas.
Ah yes, the old Monster In The Dark. It gave way to Hunting Monsters In The Dark with a handy tommy gun while dressed in typical private eye clothing. I had a series of smurf Tracey styled adventures in which I basically destroyed every monster I ever remeber having nightmares about, only to find worse monsters and wake up screaming as always.
Jurassic Park, the movies... they were not scary. However, the books made me very scared through my preteen years to the point of phobia.
Today's dreams, you ask? I'm wandering around in black private eye getup and solving the most ridiculous mysteries for no apparent reason or I'm hitting the jackpot on Test Your Strength on Neopets and going on a shopping spree. My favorite recent is I'm a Shapeshifter playing tricks on just about every living being under the night sky, mostly in cat form with night vision, reflexes, and agility I can only dream of.