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Hello, i'm Light, I'm new here!

Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:48 am

Yo! I'm new here!

Re: Hello, i'm Light, I'm new here!

Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:03 am

YO! Welcome to PPT!!

There's plenty of great folks here with vast amounts of knowledge and stuff.

Enjoy your stay and don't be afraid to post all over (in the proper places, of course)

*hands out warm welcome cookies*

Re: Hello, i'm Light, I'm new here!

Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:11 am

thanks, by the way, how does the rank thing work out?

Re: Hello, i'm Light, I'm new here!

Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:01 am

The ranks are based on number of posts.

The exact ranks and numbers are a secret ;)

Watch for your rank to change at around 50 posts, then again at around 150, then... Hmm. Post and see :)

Re: Hello, i'm Light, I'm new here!

Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:40 pm

Hi and welcome, Light. *passes around eggnog, warm cider, and hot cocoa to go with the cookies*

Rumor has it that if you reach the top rank, a pink poogle toy comes bouncing out of your screen into your lap, but I can neither confirm nor deny that since I have yet to attain said rank. ;)

Re: Hello, i'm Light, I'm new here!

Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:03 am

thats cool.

i've noticed people hand out a lot of things on this site, oh and thanks, the eggnog and cookies were delicious.
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