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Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1]

Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:40 am

Wow that's a pretty serious amount of np for the effort involved.
I don't know that I'm totally in love with the site theme though.

I'm actually fairly surprised that there's a site theme as a reward for something that not all players can participate in, as those are shown on your user lookup and are collectible. I suppose they thought it was okay as there's no high score table for them, as there is for avatars. I personally don't fee that that's enough np to be a serious difference to people who couldn't participate in the plot (and np is something people can get any number of other ways, so it's not locking anyone out of a special item or experience)

I wonder what the hat will look like on pet-pets though

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1]

Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:15 pm

Anyone else here who is equally disappointed with the prizes as i?

I mean i think the prizes were good for such a simple plot. A site theme, 45,000 np plus a niffy hat that is exclusive is acceptable.

But anyone here who like me won't mind giving up 20,000np for a trophy? I personally LOVE trophies. I feel trophies are vital parts to show how much you participated in Neopets and also serve as a repuation kind of thing. I would gladly give up some prize money for a trophy.

It's easier and easier to earn NP nowadays. Prizes on the other hand aren't.

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1]

Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:31 pm

Chakra_ wrote:But anyone here who like me won't mind giving up 20,000np for a trophy? I personally LOVE trophies. I feel trophies are vital parts to show how much you participated in Neopets and also serve as a repuation kind of thing. I would gladly give up some prize money for a trophy.
TNT specifically stated there would be no trophy for this plot, as it was not translated to all languages. Yeah, I would've liked a trophy, but they did specifically tell us not to expect one.
Ange wrote:Aha, found the reference in Neopian Times Issue 358:

Are we able to take part in the Petpet Park plot on our side accounts? From what I've gathered we won't win items, trophies, or other prizes usually associated with plots, so I'm just checking to see if the rules are different for this plot than other plots. ;D ~splenetic
No; you will be receiving Petpet Park items from your participation. Please only enjoy plots on your main account.

So...looks like the items are indeed for Petpet Park only.

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1]

Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:53 pm

I like the theme, although it does look as if it is cut off at the top.

So right now we get the theme and the NP, and then later on we're to get a hat, maybe?

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1]

Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:39 pm

Chakra_ wrote:Anyone else here who is equally disappointed with the prizes as i?

I mean i think the prizes were good for such a simple plot. A site theme, 45,000 np plus a niffy hat that is exclusive is acceptable.

But anyone here who like me won't mind giving up 20,000np for a trophy? I personally LOVE trophies. I feel trophies are vital parts to show how much you participated in Neopets and also serve as a repuation kind of thing. I would gladly give up some prize money for a trophy.

It's easier and easier to earn NP nowadays. Prizes on the other hand aren't.

I think trophies should be reserved for special occasions. This plot was really too easy to warrant one. If we got trophies for every little thing, they would be meaningless.

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1]

Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:46 am

Chakra_ wrote:Anyone else here who is equally disappointed with the prizes as i?

I mean i think the prizes were good for such a simple plot. A site theme, 45,000 np plus a niffy hat that is exclusive is acceptable.

But anyone here who like me won't mind giving up 20,000np for a trophy? I personally LOVE trophies. I feel trophies are vital parts to show how much you participated in Neopets and also serve as a repuation kind of thing. I would gladly give up some prize money for a trophy.

It's easier and easier to earn NP nowadays. Prizes on the other hand aren't.

I was not at all disappointed at all with the prizes. I agree with theonlysaneone that this was way too easy for a trophy and and am quite happy with the 45k. The sidebar, er.. site theme is a nice prize and is somewhat 'trophy-like' as there was and presumably will be no other way to get this site theme. Sure, it just shows up as a number in your lookup, but they do add up. I'd certainly like to have the marquan sidebar as it is the only one I dont have (besides premium) and will never have the opportunity to earn it. For what it's worth, I don't particulary care for the PPL sidebar and only used it for about 5 minutes, but I did earn it and I do have it :)

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1] - Prizes Available!

Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:59 pm

I love the site theme that i got. I got 45k aswell thats going staight in bank to bring me closre to all the lad ray map pieces.

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1] - Prizes Available!

Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:47 am

Nooo! I only got 30k.
I kinda gave up a little :P

Re: Operation PetPet Park [Split 1] - Prizes Available!

Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:35 pm

Guess you guys are right. Gotta live with it. Haha
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