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Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:57 pm

What I would really like implemented into the Yooyuball game in future is a key that selects your goalie. -.- That way, when you see a snow Yooyo way behind any of your players (when you've finished sneezing), you can block the shot, instead of cursing a blue streak when your mouse hovering directly over the goalie does nothing. ^.^;

On a random note, I was eating M&Ms the other day and noticed that I was eating all the orange ones and brown ones before the other colors I'd poured. It made me pretty darn amused when I realized I had subconsciously left the colors on Roo Island's emblem. XD

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:33 pm

Tomorrow's match-up looks to be veeeerrrrrrry interesting indeed. June 28th, KI v. RI, the top two teams so far. Hope I'm able to play some that day, because I imagine it'll be one of those cases where every little bit counts. 8)

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:05 pm

Rakumel wrote:Tomorrow's match-up looks to be veeeerrrrrrry interesting indeed. June 28th, KI v. RI, the top two teams so far. Hope I'm able to play some that day, because I imagine it'll be one of those cases where every little bit counts. 8)
I agree, it will definitely be interesting. A good day to do a bit of early "make-up" for the games I won't be able to play during my sis's wedding weekend. Krawk Island will get at least *some* trouble from me, and probably a bit from my husband as well. :P
At the moment, I'm well ahead of the scheduled 60-points per day. I'm at Rank 10 (ugh, ugly yellow stone), with 725 YYb wins, 50 SS scores, and 150 MSN scores. Considering that by the end of day 10, I should have had 600 points...and I have 762.5... :P
My goal, though, at this point, is to try to get my average goals per game up to 11 at keep it there, and to try to push my SS top score up a bit more.

Yes. I am one of the crazy over-achievers aiming for the top trophy. So's my husband. We're crazy together, so it works. :)

veritablegoddess wrote:On a random note, I was eating M&Ms the other day and noticed that I was eating all the orange ones and brown ones before the other colors I'd poured. It made me pretty darn amused when I realized I had subconsciously left the colors on Roo Island's emblem. XD
...talk about team spirit though! Woo, Rooligans! :D

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:40 pm

Pickles wrote:
Rakumel wrote:My goal, though, at this point, is to try to get my average goals per game up to 11 at keep it there, and to try to push my SS top score up a bit more.
I'm doing that! I find it pushes me to play more... I'm currently averaging 10.28 goals per game, so I'll need to get a lot of 12-0 scores to bring it up to 11-0. I think I'll wait till Shenkuu is playing another 2+2 team before I really go for it though, sometimes 1+3 teams really catch me out.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:23 pm

Pickles wrote:I agree, it will definitely be interesting. A good day to do a bit of early "make-up" for the games I won't be able to play during my sis's wedding weekend. Krawk Island will get at least *some* trouble from me, and probably a bit from my husband as well. :P
At the moment, I'm well ahead of the scheduled 60-points per day. I'm at Rank 10 (ugh, ugly yellow stone), with 725 YYb wins, 50 SS scores, and 150 MSN scores. Considering that by the end of day 10, I should have had 600 points...and I have 762.5... :P

Is that based on a 30-day schedule or a 34-day schedule? I've heard both numbers (although I might have brought up 30 myself because that's what I *thought* was correct), and I'm not sure which one is right.

Secondly: Please do not play well against Krawk Island. Thank you. Signed: A Krawk Island player.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:45 pm

shapu wrote:
Pickles wrote:I agree, it will definitely be interesting. A good day to do a bit of early "make-up" for the games I won't be able to play during my sis's wedding weekend. Krawk Island will get at least *some* trouble from me, and probably a bit from my husband as well. :P
At the moment, I'm well ahead of the scheduled 60-points per day. I'm at Rank 10 (ugh, ugly yellow stone), with 725 YYb wins, 50 SS scores, and 150 MSN scores. Considering that by the end of day 10, I should have had 600 points...and I have 762.5... :P

Is that based on a 30-day schedule or a 34-day schedule? I've heard both numbers (although I might have brought up 30 myself because that's what I *thought* was correct), and I'm not sure which one is right.
Based off a 34-day schedule. 15 days per each round robin, plus 2 for semi-finals and 2 for finals. 2000/34=58.8, IE, roughly 60 points per day.
shapu wrote:Secondly: Please do not play well against Krawk Island. Thank you. Signed: A Krawk Island player.
I could say the same thing in reverse. :P
Actually, though, coming off of playing two teams that aren't 2+2 (Mystery Island and Tyrannia), playing Krawk will actually be somewhat of a relief to the Rooligans.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:45 pm

I am also looking forward to the match against RI. Also my brother plays for them - so we have some sort of sibling rivalry as well, which helps. Last year we had a Shenkuu vs Darigan thing going, but he and his team was way better. This time it will be different!
I have also set up a average goals target of 12 - now I am around 11.6 or so I guess, 11,7xx/1,006. Unfortunately, YYB is starting to get me - today morning I again manged two 16-0 scores by not keeping an eye on the score. Aargh! But that said, having another person in the same house going thru the same definitely helps.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:23 pm

Yay! I got to Rank ONE! I'm the best! :D

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:43 am

Daze wrote:
smudgeoffudge wrote:Does the cup end Sunday, the 28 of June? Or is it going into July? This is my first year participating in this.

If you participate in Altador Cup in any way, you will receive points that you can exchange for prizes in the Prize Shop, which opens at the end of the tournament on July 21st. Of course, the more you participate, the more points you'll earn.

From the Rules FAQ page.

I'm assuming that was the date last year and they just never changed it? I thought the tournament started a bit earlier last year...I could be wrong though.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:47 am

Kurisutaru wrote:
Daze wrote:
smudgeoffudge wrote:Does the cup end Sunday, the 28 of June? Or is it going into July? This is my first year participating in this.

If you participate in Altador Cup in any way, you will receive points that you can exchange for prizes in the Prize Shop, which opens at the end of the tournament on July 21st. Of course, the more you participate, the more points you'll earn.

From the Rules FAQ page.

I'm assuming that was the date last year and they just never changed it? I thought the tournament started a bit earlier last year...I could be wrong though.

Considering that we definitely did *not* get prizes July 21st last year...I'm actually going to guess that's correct for this year. Or at least, what they're planning. :)

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:38 am

Just got my first 15 - 0 win. I can feel I can reach the magical 16 - 0 mark now.

I also got the backwards facing team and played through. I ended up with a 8 - 2 win.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:08 am

Yay to another clean sweep for Shenkuu!

And I'd tentatively hope that we're going to beat Virtupets as well...

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:57 pm

AAAARGH. Who was it who said in the last thread that Jair Tollet couldn't "bend it like Blumario", but they still wanted to try and score with Blumario to keep his ranking up??

Those words were kind of sloshing around in my brain while I was scoring with Blumario, and you know how the Yooyuball music goes diddle-iddle-um-pum-pum, diddle-iddle-iddle-um? My brain put the words to the music as lyrics, so that now it is going "Bend it like Bluma-ri-o, BEND IT LIKE A BLUMAROO!!"

How to know you've been doing the Altador Cup too long, #31. :roll:

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:07 pm

Wow! Lost Desert didn't loose all their games to Krawk Island! LD is 3rd in YYB, 7th in SS, and tied for first in MSN! I think that in the end it'll be KI, LD and RI(and I guess another team).

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split III

Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:04 pm

Pickles wrote:Considering that we definitely did *not* get prizes July 21st last year...I'm actually going to guess that's correct for this year. Or at least, what they're planning. :)

:lol: You're probably right, it just seems like that wouldn't really give them much time. I don't really remember the timing of last years all that much.

Yay for Shenkuu sweeping last round. :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep getting sweeps and move ourselves up in the standings! *waves Shenkuu flag*
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