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Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:15 pm

micce89 wrote:Moonwalking yooyuball?


Glitch or easter egg? Either way, made me play a poor round wondering about it :)
Everyone faces their own goal, even the one with yooyu.

I have seen quite a few posts on the boards about it. It certainly adds a little surprise to the game.

I haven't had it happen yet, but I do have a moonwalking bori on the opposition. It is so cute and funny, I can't help but laugh when I play.

The bori is on the Terror Mountain team, he has an angry face and when he goes back to his position he walks backwards. It really is a funny sight.

Whether a glitch or part of the game, Thankyou TNT for the laugh. :lol:

Just got an 11 - 0 win. :D

Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Altador Cup Player' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

48 YYB
3 SS
15 MSN

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:30 pm

Daze wrote:Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy. I just got my first 10 - 0 win. :D

They comment! The commentators comment at the end on who specifically did what. He said it was a substandard showing by Timu- by which he meant I wasn't always using the one person desginated as a forward for my scoring. (I play 3 + 1, and Altador's default is 1 + 3.)

They have always commentated at the end of the match. The last 2 years, it was just random players. I have not noticed if the commentators are actually saying anything that co-insides with this game either. I am sure it is still all random.

I can confirm it is not random. (yes, I'm home sick, and I am that bored to test it before I get shooed back to bed).
If you score more goals with one particular player, that player is mentioned in the second commentary piece after the game. If you score an equal "most" number of goals between multiple players (for instance, if your total score was 6, and 3 goals were scored player 1 and 3 by player 2), the second commentary piece doesn't happen.
They really have done a superb job this year with all the minor little details.

Also, I like the fact that the first game you play when opening the window, the players parade out. I think thats a nifty touch.

Edit: Just got a 13-0. I think it might be possible to pull off a 14-0. Might.

Edit 2: Has anyone else noticed that if the opposing team now always leaves one person behind to defend when the rest of the team heads to the other side of the court?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:55 pm

I hate that the site is so shaky for me today. I've lost about five scores now because they get stuck on 'submitting result', and each time has been 10-0 or better!

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:06 pm

eilu wrote:Incidentally, for those wondering about the avatar, according to Jellyneo it's equivalent to:
  • 50 Games (Wins) of Yooyuball
  • 100 Games (Draws) of Yooyuball
  • 200 Games of Slushie Slinger
  • 334 Games of Make Some Noise

Is that in one day or total over the length of the Altador Cup?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:09 pm

Pink wrote:
eilu wrote:Incidentally, for those wondering about the avatar, according to Jellyneo it's equivalent to:
  • 50 Games (Wins) of Yooyuball
  • 100 Games (Draws) of Yooyuball
  • 200 Games of Slushie Slinger
  • 334 Games of Make Some Noise

Is that in one day or total over the length of the Altador Cup?

Total length of the cup. Of course, the sooner you get it, the sooner you get the avvie.

And something doesn't seem right about the SS and MSN scores for 50 points. Shouldn't it be 150 and 750? If 3 SS games = 1 pt and 15 MSN = 1 pt? o_O

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:12 pm

Is anyone trying to play YYB in Firefox 3? I just downloaded it see if it would help with my connection problems, and now my game is really glitchy, keeps speeding up and slowing down. I've tried closing and re-opening a few times, doesn't seem to help.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:58 pm

Pink wrote:Incidentally, for those wondering about the avatar, according to Jellyneo it's equivalent to:
  • 50 Games (Wins) of Yooyuball
  • 100 Games (Draws) of Yooyuball
  • 200 Games of Slushie Slinger
  • 334 Games of Make Some Noise

Is this a new avatar, or the same one from previous years?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:14 pm

Is this a new avatar, or the same one from previous years?

New avatar!!

AC1 - you got an avatar at the prize shop
AC2 - no avatar
AC3 - reach Rank 1 and get this avatar:

Rank 1 = 50 points.

1 point = 1 YYB win
1 point = 3 SS games
1 point = 15 MSN games.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:47 pm

Eleven? Twelve?? THIRTEEN??

How the (bad word) are you people racking up scores that high? I'm struggling to get past 4 points a game!! :x

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:52 pm

gingernut wrote:Is anyone trying to play YYB in Firefox 3? I just downloaded it see if it would help with my connection problems, and now my game is really glitchy, keeps speeding up and slowing down. I've tried closing and re-opening a few times, doesn't seem to help.

I haven't noticed a difference in play. It seems faster, but I didn't really practice too much to know if that is a difference.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:57 pm

My best score so far has been 6-0. I am getting the hang of this. :)

Ok this is really weird but I am on krawk island and playing against maraqua. The techo I noticed in one game has a white foot. One foot is bluish green and one was white, and it looked like he was limping. I'll have to pay more attention, but it was really weird. I don't think it was like that in the other games I played. It was like he had a bandaged foot and was limping.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:17 pm

Rakumel wrote:Eleven? Twelve?? THIRTEEN??

How the (bad word) are you people racking up scores that high? I'm struggling to get past 4 points a game!! :x

I think my average goals last year (out of the possible 9) was like 8.678 or something. The fact that I was one of the crazies who did make it to 2,000 wins means I still have the muscle memory on how to score each ball in the shortest amount of time possible. Please note: I did not start off last year scoring that well. It took a lot of practice to get that good, and I'm definitely not scoring that high every game.
The fact that the supergoalie doesn't exist anymore makes it possible to get more, assuming the right types of balls come out.

Edit: Somethings I've found helpful:

Play right to left. It's easier if you're right-handed to move to the left for some reason.
Also, the smaller game size is easier as well.
Figure out which setup works best for you and stick with it. :)

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:29 pm

Funny... I'm lefty, I prefer left to right and a big window. Also scored a 13 pointer. Lot of it depends on the yooyus, can manage most but ice and mutant can sometimes get to be rather annoying timesinks.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:29 pm

Rakumel wrote:Eleven? Twelve?? THIRTEEN??

How the (bad word) are you people racking up scores that high? I'm struggling to get past 4 points a game!! :x

lol...yeah...most of my wins are 1 to 0...I hate the normal yuyooball...love the fire one...

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:50 pm

I am not sure this is posted anywhere, but this year the number of YYB wins for the first three ranks are:
Rank 1 - 50, Rank 2 - 100, Rank 3 - 150.
As far as I remember, this looks same as previous year's. So, another 1843 games to go!

15 - 0 is do-able! Yay! Go Krawks!
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