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Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:22 pm

I got Ylanas Blaster and all the books so far. I'm left with 11610 points for now. I'm wondering wether I should invest in more books or just buy the little useless thingies that I like. I'll probably get the keyring ('cause it's pretty) and the dice set ('cause they'll remind me of the decoding step, which was probably my favourite in the entire plot).

How much you guys think the Blaster will be going for when the price stabilizes? I don't do battledome except for plots and avatars, so I'm hoping for a nice profit from selling it.

And the site theme is wonderful! I'm not that fond of space-themed things in general, but I really like the top menu in bright green.

Shame for no avatar though.

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:32 pm

I can't decide!

Quite tempted by the robot thing since I have just enough points to cover it and I don't normally make the top prize on these things. But then greed sets in and I start looking for things I can sell!

I guess I'll get one Ylanas Blaster, then I'll have about 20k to spend on myself.
7.5k to buy every book
Then maybe I'll just buy more copies of the books!

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:37 pm

eilu wrote:
Kenjiro wrote:I just realized... not a single prize is about Sloth himself o_O

doesn't Image count? it's a reference to his evil genius and his ego.

Yeah I just noticed, must've overlooked it.. I dunno, i was just looking forward to a cool Sloth plushie or something :P I know there's one of him, but that one's kinda rare

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:53 pm

Does anyone think that the blaster might be dowgraded in the future. I mean, it's a really great weapon for relatively little points. Has it happened before with plot prizes?

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:56 pm

Found this Plot Prize guide - it may help out with your choices.

Plot Prize Guide

Yes, other plot weapons have been downgraded before - some people think it may happen with this one. Only time will tell.

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:01 pm

Ylanas Blaster? This is a very powerful weapon that just about anybody can get.

It may not be downgraded, but I'd say the chances are fair that it will. A 13-icon weapon for just a few hundred thousand nps is the sort of thing that tends to really unbalance the weapons market. And while TNT has done that sort of thing before (unbalancing, I mean), they've also attempted to correct their error. The handpainted scarab is an excellent example.

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:06 pm

Maybe I'll just wait a few weeks. If the price will start to go up, the chances of a downgrade will get smaller, right?

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:07 pm

I didn't know that could happen... oh well, I'll hang on to it and keep my fingers crossed.

Other than that just blew the rest on books and a couple of the little prizes.

I am going to have to buy the singularity plushie when I find it on the shop wizard for a decent price though!

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:10 pm

If Ylanas Blaster is downgraded, they will also have to downgrade the other weapons or the whole plot point cost / item value balance will be messed up. I don't have enough points for one, but I'm thinking I'd like to brave the risk of downgrade and buy one... I wonder whether I should get it now for 700k or wait a few weeks for the dust to settle?

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:56 pm

If anyone's selling their blaster, I'm looking to buy (for my set, I'm not reselling). I'll pay 700k to anyone looking for a quick sale :) My only request is that we do it through a 1hr private neofriend-only auction though. TP is too glitchy for comfort.

I hope TNT has learned their lesson about downgrading items though. It's just massively unfair to those who invest in them. If anything this might be their plan to handle inflation of weapons, at the very least?

Edit: Nevermind, found one. :) Might look for a second, ~25 icons for 1.4m? Yes please. PM if you're selling 700k or lower :D
Last edited by metalmario on Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:45 pm

metalmario wrote:I hope TNT has learned their lesson about downgrading items though. It's just massively unfair to those who invest in them. If anything this might be their plan to handle inflation of weapons, at teh very least?

That could be the case too, didn't TNT said they wanted to do something about the inflation in de editorial? And the ring of the lost was 800k too when it was first released. Now it's selling for millions.

Re: teh Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:25 pm

metalmario wrote:If anyone's selling their blaster, I'm looking to buy (for my set, I'm not reselling). I'll pay 700k to anyone looking for a quick sale :) My only request is that we do it through a 1hr private neofriend-only auction though. TP is too glitchy for comfort.

I was in the same boat - keep trying, I spent most of yesterday afternoon refreshing the newest Ylanas Blaster trades and the Trade Chat, NMing anyone who asked a reasonable price. Finally got an answer and got mine for 675k ^^

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:34 pm

Guys i'm looking to buy a Ylanas Blaster as well. Just PM me with your asking price and we'll sort something about. I want to at least have the 2nd best price of the plot. Thanks everyone!

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:26 pm

I'll probably pick up 2 ylanas blasters. . .something else and definitely the space faerie token keyring. HELLOOO, I LOVE IT! I wanted one of those tokens since the beginning. <3 <3 the only thing I don't know about is what to get with 7k extra points. . .book. . plushie. . .wearable. . .gah can't decide. :o

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth Plot prizes

Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:39 am

So...just so we're clear....the whatsit that can transform your pet into a robot, I understand it can't be sold or traded, but it also CANNOT be sent to a side account, correct?

*braces for shred of hope to be crushed*
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